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          We had to wait for an hour. An autopsy had to be done and paper work had to be filled out. Niall did the paper work while I entertained Cale. A nurse found us after the autopsy and led us to an office, not an office with a checkup table but a legit office with a desk and computer. There were two chairs facing the desk and a friendly looking doctor on the opposite side.

          “Hi I’m Dr. Young, please have a seat.” His tone was kindly but his face was grim.

          “I’m Emily.” I introduced myself and shook his hand.

          “I’m Niall.” He did the same. “And this is Cale.” He unbuckled Cale from his restraints and cradled him.

          “So it seems as if your friend, Jake Wheeler, overdosed on Oxycodone. Paramedics say there was no sign of struggle but there also wasn’t a suicide note. What I want to know is if Jake had a motive to kill himself? Was he going through a rough patch?”

          I paused and then sucked in a deep breath. I would have to tell someone the story at some point, it might as well be now. Bracing myself for the grief that was sure to hit me I started the story. “H-his girlfriend, my best friend, she died after giving birth to Cale. This is Jake’s son. His mother had Postpartum Hemorrhage after labor. And ever since then I’ve had to go to his apartment everyday just to take care of him and Cale.” The doctor noticeably winced when I told him this and sympathy coated his features. My eyes welled with tears recounting the story. I looked towards Niall hoping he’d take over.

          “I’m Jake’s best friend and yesterday I showed up after about a year. I’ve been on tour and haven’t got see him. He was definitely depressed and I immediately sent him to bed.  When he woke up, he wouldn’t drink his tea and then asked both of us to leave and to take Cale with us. He instructed us to come back today. His behavior was so weird but he’d had a week of hell and I tried to understand what he was going through.  So yeah he definitely went through a rough patch and I think he really did…kill himself.” I could see tears in Niall’s eyes as well.

          “Oh my, this situation is worse than expected. Yes, suicide is definitely the case here. But Cale is now an orphan. Does he have any relatives that could take him in? And I have a couple of therapists that I recommend for grief counseling and such just in case you two need it.”

          “Um I know Annalise’s parents are dead and they were the only family she had left.” I answered.

          “Yeah Jake’s parents kicked him out when he was fifteen. So my family took him in but my parents are both getting older and some health issues are cropping up. I don’t know if they can take care of Cale along with themselves.” Niall said. I turned to him.

          “Cale is not going to an orphanage.” I stated.

          “I never said anything about an orphanage! And of course he isn’t do you really think I’d let that happen?” I was about to open my mouth to reply but the doctor stopped our oncoming argument.

          “I’m just a doctor and I have no authority over where Cale goes but I suggest you get in touch with Jake and Annalise’s lawyer. They will know what to do in this situation.” We both nodded at the doctor. He was about to continue when Cale started to make whining noises.

          “He’s hungry.” I told Niall. “Give him to me.” I held out my hands.

          “I’ll feed him.” The stubborn ass said.

          “Fine, but you’re making the bottle too then.” We shook the doctors’ hand one last time and rushed home before Cale’s whimpers could turn into full-blown cries.

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