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It's embarrasingly short, sorry.


It came quicker than expected. I was supposed to have two months to prepare, two months to say goodbye. I did get those two months but they flew by quicker than expected. I don't know if it was Niall's busy schedule, the start of university, taking care of Cale, or Harry and I's newfound relationship as siblings (which went over surprising well and had promoted a few lunches between us and our mums)  but somewhere along the lines days turned into months.

The alarm clock was blaring in the otherwise quiet flat. I silently groaned and cursed Niall for not shutting the damn thing up. For the past week, I had been sleeping with Niall, not like sex but just sleeping. It gave me a sense of comfort and security knowing that he was right there next to me.

"Niall," I groaned. "Turn it off." I heard him sigh and felt his body shift underneath mine as the arm that was wrapped around my waist left for a few seconds. The incessant ringing noise silenced and the arm replaced.

"Please tell me it's Friday." He mumbled.

"I wish." I finally opened my eyes. His blue orbs were staring back at me. I cast a glance behind him and saw his few suitcases and backpack on the ground, guitar already strapped into its case. "I can't believe it's already been two months."

"Neither can I. I wish we still had more time." We lapsed back into silence just staring at each other. Niall's phone suddenly rang shattering the silence.  "What Liam?" He answered. "Yes I'm up. Of course. I'm eating breakfast right now. Okay see you soon." He hung up the phone.

"I guess it's time." I stated.

"Yeah I guess so." Instead of making any moves to get out of bed, Niall pressed his forehead against mine. He closed his eyes and breathed in deeply through his nose before exhaling the same way. He gave me a kiss on the nose before pulling away and rolling out of bed. I followed suit and left to go get Cale ready. We weren't going to the airport with him seeing as it would be a mass of hysteria. The boys and the car were going to pick him up.

"Hey there little guy." I greeted Cale as I lifted the alert baby from his crib. Next week he would hit the six month mark. I still couldn't believe how quickly he'd grown up. "Do you know what today is?" I asked him quietly. "I guess not. Niall's leaving today." I smiled sadly at the baby. "Daddy's leaving." I felt two strong arms wrap around me from behind as I was talking to Cale and dressing him.

"This just gets harder and harder." Niall said into my neck, his lips tickling the skin there. He reached out and smoothed his hand over Cale's head of brown hair, Niall's bracelet glinting in the light. We had added on the date we met above Cale's name and date as soon as we'd gotten back to London. Niall hasn't taken it off since then.

Ten minutes later, I had changed and made myself somewhat presentable. I was going to Danielle's after the boys left, her and the other girlfriends had become close friends of mine.

"Five minutes." Niall said as I walked down the stairs and into the kitchen. I looked at the clock and realized he was right. It was five till 11; five minutes until the boys would be here to whisk him away.

"Do you have everything?" I checked with him. He nodded and pointed to the pile of luggage by the front door. Not a few seconds later was the door thrown open and the four boys entered the apartment.

"You guys are early." Niall groaned, clutching Cale a bit tighter on his hip.

"I know mate but we can't miss the plane." Liam said as he hefted one of the bags on his shoulder. "We'll take care of this, you say goodbye." Upon closer inspection I noticed that his eyes were rimmed slightly red as were Zayn's.

"Did you already say goodbye?" I asked them.

"Yeah." Zayn answered. "It doesn't get easier so best get to it." He motioned towards Niall. I turned to him and wrapped my arms around him. Niall wrapped his free arm around me and held tight. A few minutes later Harry broke the silence.

"Niall, it's time to go." Harry patted him on the shoulder then quickly hugged me also. "Bye sis."

Niall  reluctantly handed over Cale after Harry had released me. He placed a soft kiss on both of our heads before turning to leave. The tears were falling now as I clutched Cale to my chest. Niall turned around to wave one last time. He saw my tears and instantly stopped walking. I tried to wipe them away but he rushed towards me and enveloped me in a tight hug. I buried my face into the crook of his neck and tried not to bawl.

"I love you, both of you so much." He whispered in my ear before pulling back to look at my face. "I'll see you in a few weeks. You and Cale will be alright. We'll be alright." He kissed Cale and I on the forehead and then turned to leave again but not before I caught a few tears on his face as well.

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