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I hustled out of the hospital room and scooped up my two children who had been sitting a bench in the hallway with a kind nurse.

Emily had been checked into the hospital for four hours and everyone was getting antsy. Harry and Louis had just called and said that they were pulling up.

Emily and I thought it would be best if Cale and Logan stayed with the couple who would take care of them until their sister was born. God knows Harry and Louis were capable of taking care of children.

After finally getting married four years ago, they had jumped at the chance of having a child. Only instead of the predicted one, they got two.

I had Cale who was seven years old now on one hip and Logan, who was two, on the other. It's not an easy task holding two children while hauling ass out of a hospital. Cale buried his brunette head into my shoulder and gripped his hands around my neck. Logan was simply smiling at the rush of running down the hallways, odd fella. We reached the automatic doors, stepped outside, and were affronted from all sides by paparazzi and fans. In the midst of the mayhem, Louis and Harry were striding towards us surrounded by security guards. Four more guards rushed over to flank me. We met in the middle and the guards formed a protective ring around us.

"Hey little guy." Louis greeted Cale. Cale looked up at the familiar voice and nickname, his face brightened.

"Louis!" He exclaimed and extended his arms towards the man. Louis untangled his hand from his husband's and accepted the squirming child.

"Be good for Louis and Harry okay?" I warned Cale. He nodded with innocent eyes. "I love you." I reminded him and kissed the top of his head.

"I love you too daddy." He gave me a sloppy child's kiss on the cheek.

"Yeah daddy, I love you." Louis teased and leaned over to give me a kiss.

"Lou, please. You need to shave!" I exclaimed.

"So do you." He sang back to me. I proceeded to kiss Logan before handing him to Harry.

"I'll text you guys updates yeah? See you tomorrow." I said before kissing my children one last time and running back inside the building. The number of fans and paps had seemed to multiply and I could hear the hysteria from inside the hospital. I raced back to Emily's room and found a nurse inside.

"There you are Mr. Horan." The nurse smiled at me. "We've just been doing a quick check up, Emily is dilated a few centimeters now, hopefully not too much longer." I thanked her and moved to Emily's side.

"Hey love, how are you feeling?" I asked her and took her hand in my own.

"I'm fantastic Niall. Really great, thanks for asking." I had to hold back the chuckle that wanted to escape. Emily in labor was not pleasant. She was sarcastic and slightly mean but at the end of it all it was worth it. Everything was worth it because she had brought me Logan and was about to bring me a third blessing, Megan Elise Horan. We'd finally decided on a name a week ago and since then I could hardly stop uttering it under my breath.

"I'm sorry, just think by tomorrow we'll have a beautiful new daughter who will be absolutely perfect and she'll look exactly like you." I tried to take her mind off things.

"Better me than you I guess." I couldn't tell if she was joking or if it was her sarcasm.


Hours later it was nearing dawn. I woke up with a stiff neck and saw Emily sleeping peacefully in the hospital bed next to me.

"Sorry to wake you Mr. Horan." I looked up to see a nurse standing at the foot of the bed. "I was checking Emily's monitors."

"Is everything alright?" The first time Emily had gotten pregnant both of us were afraid that what happened to Anna would happen to Emily. The doctor had assured us that the chances of Emily hemorrhaging were slim.

"Everything is just fine. I suggest you run home and shower while she's still asleep. Grab some food maybe." I smiled my thanks to her. After she'd left I looked across to Emily again. Standing up I brushed my lips over her forehead before walking out to the hallway. I notified the nurses that I was going to run home quickly and that it shouldn't take more than an hour.

Once in my car I took a deep breath before quickly texting Harry.

Running home quickly for a shower. Can I take it off now? How are the boys?

He replied almost immediately.

Yes you can take it off. It's been on for more than enough time. They're good. Logan just woke up.

Instead of replying I started driving home. I was nervous for so many reasons and hoped to get this done quickly so I could get back to Emily.


"There you are you bloody git!" Raged Emily. "I'm having your baby so the least you could do was be here for the birth!" I had been gone for twenty minutes grabbing a sandwich and a water from downstairs. I had to hold back a chuckle. I had learned from the previous birth of Logan that Emily did not take the pain well. It was somewhat cute seeing her so worked up but the expression on her face told me that I had better keep my mouth shut and hold her hand. I did as her expression demanded and stayed by her side offering love and encouragement until the first cries of my first girl rang out in the room.

Emily's grip on my hand loosened into a more loving hold and the nurse swaddled the wailing newborn in a pink blanket. She handed the infant to Emily who instantly started beaming and crying. I reached over and caressed the baby's soft cheek. She was absolutely gorgeous. She had a tiny amount of blond hair on her small head and she'd inherited her mom's eyes just like her brother.

"Megan Elise Horan." I said while still staring, captivated by my daughter. "I love you." I told the newborn and leant over to kiss my wife.


"I have something for you." I told Emily, who was lying exhausted by my side. We were crammed together in the small hospital bed waiting for the nurses to bring Megan back from some standard tests.

"Really?" She asked.

"Yes really. Hold on." I stood from the bed and turned on the overhead fluorescent lights. I turned my back to Emily and shucked off my shirt.

"Really Horan, I just had a baby and you want to have sex?" Emily asked in astonishment. I laughed and didn't answer her. Instead I came and sat on the bed next to her. Her eyes got comically wide and her hand flew to her mouth. "Oh my god Niall."

On my chest were three names tattooed permanently over my heart. Cale, Logan and Megan. Emily reached out her hand to run her fingers over the names. "They're perfect." She whispered and looked at me with shining eyes.

"There's something else." I turned around and heard her sharp intake of breath. On my left shoulder was her name neatly printed in small letters. She traced it softly with her fingers before commanding me to turn around. She cupped my face in her hands and brought it down to meet hers. We kissed slowly but it was filled with love.

"I love you." She murmured against my lips when we broke the kiss.

"I love you." I said back right before our three perfect children entered the room accompanied by our parents and those four other guys we loved most.

Who would have thought that seven years ago one of the most unconventional pairings could have become a real family?

Probably everyone seeing as our lives follow a pretty cliché storyline.


Hey guys, thanks so much for making it this far in the story! It would be great if you could go like my Facebook page in the external link! Thank you so much! - Jordan

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