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A/N - another short one, sorry! The picture on the side is basically my inspiration for this chapter. It's basically how I imagine Niall's face during it.


It was time. The first month of the tour was done and we were going to get our first visit with Niall. The seatbelt sign had just clicked on above our heads and my excitement was increasing.

The past month had been challenging to say the least. With Niall away on tour, taking care of Cale was much more difficult. Even though it was hard being a single parent, everyday that I went to University I would miss Cale like crazy. Thank god for our babysitter though, Hannah had been a blessing.

I adjusted Cale on my lap in preparation for our landing. Surprisingly he had done well on the flight. No tears or tantrums. He did like to talk gibberish though.

Finally we landed and got off the plane. A car was sent for us instead of Niall picking us up. Being in America was different. I took in the scenery or lack thereof as we drove by. We pulled up at the back of a large hotel. I got out holding a seven month Cale and started towards the door held open by security, the driver following behind with the bags. More security was around us as we walked. Though it was quieter in the back a horde of screaming girls surrounded the front of the building.

I stepped through the service door with Cale on my hip and was immediately greeted with the one person I had missed most. Niall was standing in front of us wearing a huge grin and a red snapback.

"Hi." He beamed at me.

"Hi." I returned the sentiment. Those two words seemed to break our spell. Niall took one step and had Cale and I enveloped in a hug. Cale was laughing and patting his dad wherever his flailing hands could reach. One of Niall's arms was wrapped securely around my waist while the other was bent at an angle so his hand could rest on Cale's small back.

"I've missed you guys, so much." Niall said as he pulled back slightly. He placed his hands on either side of my face and left a lingering kiss on my forehead. I then placed Cale into his arms so that Niall could cuddle the baby close as I wrapped an arm around Niall's waist.

The moment was ruined when two boys ran by chanting, "POOL!" And then a "Hi Em, Cale!" After the two boys came Zayn, Perrie, Liam and Danielle at a much steadier and quiet pace. "Hey guys, we're going to the pool if you care to join!" Dani invited us. I looked at Niall as he looked at me, through silent agreement we decided to go.

I was in the midst of a conversation with Danielle and Perrie while Cale sat on Danielle's lap playing with her curls. The weather was good though we were in America. Unfortunately, the girls, Cale and I had to leave in a few short days. The sun was slightly tanning my skin that wasn't covered by my red and white striped bikini. Niall's normally pale complexion was tanned too, complimenting his dark blue shorts nicely. His muscles didn't hurt either.

"Uh oh." Danielle said and held Cale out to me. Perrie started laughing and I reluctantly accepted the baby, his diaper now full. I started walking towards Niall who was in conversation with the boys. He looked up and his face dropped.

"He didn't." He half asked, half stated.

"He did." I confirmed his suspicions and he went to get the diaper bag. We took Cale inside and laid him on the floor. Using practiced teamwork and many baby wipes, Cale was cleaned up in no time. It was reassuring that even after a month apart Niall and I still perfectly executed our system. Walking back outside Niall tried to get Cale to hold onto Niall's fingers and stand.

"Hot deck." I warned as we approached the sunny part of the patio. Niall scooped up the baby into his arms and started to walk into the pool. "You can't put his whole body in at once! The water's freezing!" I exclaimed and took the child from Niall. I walked to the side of the pool and sat down with my feet in the water. Niall swam over and flicked small amounts of water on my legs while I dipped Cale's toes in. The baby was giggling and Niall had a ridiculously happy smile on his face. I started to submerge more of Cale's body until Niall took him from me and held him near his chest. The baby was content to slap the water with his little hands. Niall started to put little droplets on Cale's face and it warmed my heart to see the two smiling and laughing with each other.

"Em, you coming in?" Niall turned towards me. I slid into the water and shivered at the temperature. I waded over to my two boys and placed a kiss to the side of Cale's head. "Where's mine?" Niall pouted. I rolled my eyes and pressed a kiss to his jaw. He hummed in contentment and adjusted Cale so Niall could wrap an arm around both of us. I held out a hand towards Cale who grabbed onto my middle and index fingers.

"This is so going on Twitter." I pulled my head up and saw Louis standing at the pool's edge lowering his phone.

"Yours and Harry's sex tape is so going on Twitter." Niall retorted and I elbowed him sharply in the side.

"Ha you don't know where it's hidden." Lou smiled triumphantly.

"It's in the DVD case for a Wiggles episode."

Louis blanched. "How do you know that?" Niall just smirked as Louis ran off to Harry yelling about needing a new hiding place.

"You're evil." I told the still smiling blonde boy.

"Oh I'm aware." He said and flicked a spray of water into my face.

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