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We were the first to arrive at Niall’s flat. I hadn’t said a word the whole ride and Niall seemed to get that I didn’t want to talk. At the flat, I took a seat on the leather couch while Niall changed Cale’s diaper. He came back into the living room, sat next to me, and placed Cale between us.

“So, tomorrow we should probably start packing up your flat.” Niall said breaking the silence.

“What?” I said staring at him.

“Well since we have to move in together probably the sooner the better right?”

“Oh yeah, it’s just really shocking I guess. But don’t you think we should move Cale in first. He’s our number one priority.”

“Yeah you’re right, we’ll do that tomorrow instead. You’re going to be okay here, you know that right?” He asked in concern. I nodded and smiled at the Irish boy. It was sweet that he assured me, almost as if he could see my concern. I had never lived with another guy who wasn’t my family before. Although romantic issues are the least of my worries, I’m still becoming a mother; a nineteen-year-old mother, moving into a famous pop stars’ house. I feel like I have to repeat this to myself time and time again but this just isn’t normal. No one has this scenario on their bucket list.

“Where’s the little Cale at?” Louis demanded bursting through the front door and interrupting my borderline frantic thoughts.

“Don’t scare the poor kid you git.” Harry scolded from behind him. Louis spotted the baby and instantly scooped him into his arms.

“You are so cute!” He gushed to the unresponsive baby. All he could do was stare.

“Hi I’m Harry and that’s Louis.” Harry introduced himself. He held out a hand for me to shake.

“I’m Emily.” I said shaking his hand. Next Liam and Zayn came tromping through the door and we went through similar greetings. After everyone had settled into the room, Niall started talking.

“Okay boys you each get to ask questions but we’re going around the room starting with Louis.” Louis who was sitting on the ground still holding Cale instantly straightened up.

“So Niall and Emily, is Cale really your love child and everything else a lie?” I wanted to laugh because the idea was so ludicrous. I wanted to say yes, it is a lie. I wanted what Louis said to be true because then at least my friends would still be alive. I started to tear up and both Louis and Niall noticed. Niall pulled me into his side and Louis started profusely apologizing.

“No Louis, I’m sorry. I just wish that what you said were true. I wish it was all a lie because then my friends wouldn’t be dead. Don’t apologize you didn’t do anything wrong.” I managed to get my emotions somewhat under control. Niall’s soothing stroke on my shoulder definitely helped.

“So what you’re saying is, you wish you and Niall had a love child.” Harry said trying to lighten the mood and it worked. I couldn’t help but laugh and I could feel Niall shaking with laughter beside me. After my emotional outburst, the rest of the night was smooth sailing. I became more comfortable around all of the guys and so did baby Cale. Most of the questions were a bit silly but eventually we managed to piece the whole story together for the guys. Their reactions were a mixture of sympathy and astonishment about the way things played out.

 Once everyone had left and Cale was asleep in a makeshift crib Niall stood to go to bed.

“Um should I just leave and come back tomorrow?” I offered and stood up too.

“No.” Niall said. “Stay here, just get accustomed to it. I’ll show you the guest room which is now technically your room.” He led me to a room that was across the hall from his own and next to Cale’s. I was hoping he would come up with a map or something. The size of the house was incredible and I was probably going to have a hard time finding my way back to the front door tomorrow.

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