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After the meeting I don’t think we said a single word to each other. We just got into Niall’s car and he drove us to Nandos. We were sitting in a booth across from each other with Cale on my lap.

“What the hell are we going to do about this?” I finally sighed placing my head in my hand.

“We can’t do anything about it.” Niall quietly said. He seemed to be saying this more to himself as if trying to process the words.

“You can’t do this.” I told him. He looked up at me puzzled. “You’re young and famous and I’m sure you’ve probably got some girlfriend. Your career is just starting and to be burdened by a baby, I can’t ask you to do that. I’ll take Cale and raise him. You can still visit but focus on your career; it’s in your best interest.” I told him this in all seriousness. I honestly didn’t think that I worldwide pop star would want anything to do with raising a child. It’s not very often that you even see a normal nineteen year old guy settling down and taking responsibility of a child.

“Are you screwing with me right now?” Niall gaped at me. “You want me to leave and basically forget about Cale? He’s my son now! Do you really think I don’t want to be a part of his life, just because I’m young and famous? You’re young too and come August you’ll have school and I’m sure your some type of athlete judging by your body. I’m not the only one that will have to work at this and make sacrifices. And no I don’t have a girlfriend and even if I did that wouldn’t change how I feel about Cale. I’m not leaving him. We’re all he’s got now and we’re sticking together. Now eat your damn sandwich and stop spouting ridiculousness!” He started gasping for air as he finished his long winded rant.

His speech surprised me for three reasons. First, I couldn’t actually believe that this boy really wanted to be a part of Cale’s life. I knew he loved him but he’s also going to have to put up with me too. And juggling a son and his career is going to be ridiculously tough yet he wants to do it. And secondly, he doesn’t have a girlfriend. He’s famous and attractive, it only seemed right that he’d have a girlfriend but that’ll make it easier to incorporate Cale into our lives. Thirdly he mentioned my body. I honestly don’ t know if he was impressed or disgusted by my apparent muscle but the thought of him noticing my body still oddly pleased me.

 I picked up my chicken sandwich and made a show of eating which caused Niall to laugh breaking the tension that had settled over us. Of course, he’d already finished his two meals and was feeding Cale his bottle. After I had eaten my sandwich we got back into Niall’s car to go to his meeting, any stress that had momentarily left my body was back, in full force.

This meeting was actually kind of nerve wracking. I was about to meet the entire band but not as Niall’s friend. No, as Niall’s adopted son’s mom this is a rather confusing title and one that I’m getting used to.

“You’re nervous.” He stated as we pulled up to the security checkpoint.

“No I’m not.” I lied.   

“You’re lying. Why are you nervous?”

“I’m nervous because I’m about to meet not one pop star but four. And I’m meeting them as your adopted son’s mother. This doesn’t even make sense. It shouldn’t be happening. You shouldn’t be so calm about this. You’re not freaking out and you’re about to become a dad. It’s insane. This whole scenario is absolutely insane!” Niall had parked the car by this time and turned to face me.

“You don’t think I’m freaking out? I’m scared as fuck. I have realized I’m about to become a dad and I don’t know anything about being a parent! For 18 years, we are going to be parenting Cale but you know what else scares me? I’m parenting him with a girl I’ve known for two days. How in the hell is this going to work out? We have to move in together and live together. I mean it’s basically inevitable that at some point we’re going to develop feelings for each other. So yeah I’m freaking out, I have a kid. Is that what you wanted to hear? That I’m scared too? I was trying to keep up some semblance of normal but none of this is fucking normal!” As soon as he said this I felt bad. I’d basically forced him to tell him all of his emotions and how he was feeling but the part that floored me was about us having feelings for each other.

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