CHAPTER 1: its only the beginning

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*******Daniel's POV******

"Liz! Liz hurry! The water is cold!" A young, me yells to his best friend. We are about 10 years old. We have been best friends since, like, 3rd grade, or so.

"I'm hurrying!" She yells, as we jump in the lake together.

==end of flashback.==

I wake up and throw a blue basketball shirt on. I walk downstairs and tell everyone good morning. Mom is making pancakes and dad is watching cops on TV. My little sister, Mia, plays with her blocks on the floor. She's only 5 and a half. Her favorite things are blocks, pancakes, and unicorns. She's great. I hurry up and eat a couple pancakes and rush to get ready for school. I comb my short brown hair. Then throw on a pair of black skinny jeans. Then rush out to my car. I kiss Mia goodbye and tell my parents I'll be home soon. I get into my car and turn the ignition.

As I arrive in the parking lot, I park in my usual spot, next to the light pole at the very end. My best friend, Liz, is waiting for me. I get out. "Hey Liz!" I greet.

"Hey, Daniel!" She exclaims and pulls me into a friendly hug. "Let's head to class."

We walk side by side for a couple of minutes. She always has a smile on her face. Her hair is shiny, wavy and red. She always wears black vans and boot-cut jeans, with rips in them all over. Her shirts are usually tight shirts or just a t-shirt with a jacket or hoodie. Her eyes sparkle in the light. The blue in them is just mesmerizing. I can't help but catch myself getting lost into them. If you can't tell, I'm falling for my best friend. She has no idea. Neither does anyone else. I always wonder if she secretly likes me. I mean, the way I do her. Her laugh is so adorable and her teeth at perfectly straight, without having braces. Her skin is a bit pale. Her hands are just so small and cute. I just want to hold them.

"Well, how was your day yesterday?" She asks.

I snap out of my thoughts and focus on the conversation. "Just fine, I guess. I just sat around and did, practically, nothing." I said to her. I wish she was there to do nothing, with me. Just be there and lay in my arms.

"Sounds like fun. You know we have senior prom in a week, right?" She mentions.

I get an excited feeling in my gut. "Yeah. What about it?"

"Are you going to ask someone to go with you?" She says, pulling some stuff from her locker.

"Ummm. I'm not sure yet." I lied.
*i want to take you. And only you.* I thought to myself.

"Oh. Okay. Well I'll see you after class see ya!" She said then walked away. I watched as she left her hair flew behind her. She seems so perfect.

"Bye." I say. And wave slightly, even though she can't see me anymore.

I head to class and sit in an empty seat, next to my buddy, Kenny. "Hey man" I say then fist bump him.

"Hey. What you doing for prom?" He asks me. "You going to ask someone?"

"Well there is this one incredible girl that I want to take. But..." I hesitated. "I don't think she'll want to go with me..."

"Oh sure she will! You should ask her, no matter what!" He said, patting my back as the teacher called for us to be queries and start class.

I couldn't focus the whole time. I kept thinking of ways to ask her. Then I remembered that I still have to get some stuff for graduation, which is in two weeks. Ugh. This is so difficult.

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