Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

As the days turned into weeks, Naruto was growing more and more frustrated. They had to find Suki and quickly. That freak was going to take over her body soon. It was driving him crazy.

His dreams were becoming more and more disturbing. The blonde wanted so badly to pin the blame squarely on Kurama, but he knew better. Kurama might have been sculpting the scenarios, but he was providing the clay. The Nine Tails wouldn't be able to torment him like this, if he wasn't giving the fox something to work with.

"This can't be normal. Maybe I should talk to Granny Tsunade about this, but she would freak." Naruto says with a sigh as he remembers his latest dream.

He was running in a forest. Naruto knew that someone was nearby, but not who. Whoever it was, they were fast and they were doing a damn good job covering their tracks.

"Too bad for them, they can't outrun Kurama's nose." He muttered to himself.

He found a trail. It wasn't a large footprint and it wasn't tiny. It was indented harshly into the soil, but lopsided. This person was petite in weight, but running fast. He guessed they were a woman.

Kakashi and Kiba had taught him a little bit about tracking. Now, he could read footprints with a fair amount of accuracy. That and he finally caught the person's scent.

"Damn it." He heard a feminine voice mutter in annoyance.

Naruto had never given much thought to scents before, but he knew this one. It was hard to explain. This person smelled like an oddly alluring combination of pine trees, roses, and lightning.

Idly, he knew that last one didn't make any sense. People couldn't smell like lightning. Did lightning even have a scent? Naruto shook his head and decided it didn't matter. What mattered is that he had to get to Suki!

"Suki!" He called out desperately.

Maybe this time, she'd actually listen. Maybe this time, he could convince her to stay. That's all he really wanted. Naruto just wanted her back in the Leaf where she was safe and hopefully, where Suki could be happy.

Somewhere along the line, this desire had eclipsed everything else. The blonde still wanted to become Hokage, but that was a secondary concern. What mattered most was saving Suki.

"Naruto, just go!" She growled at him, once he finally caught up with her.

The fact that she didn't think she needed saving was irrelevant in his mind. There was no way he was letting Orochimaru touch her! He wasn't going let his best friend die to save that creepy snake!

"Suki, come on. You don't have to do this. You don't have to stay with him. You can come back to the Leaf. We'll find a way to deal with Itachi. I can help you." Naruto said he as he reached out for her.

Her back was towards him. Suki's hair had grown longer. When she left the Leaf, it spilled a few inches below her shoulders. Now, it came to the middle of her back.

Suki's hair had always fascinated Naruto. Well actually, everything about her fascinated him and pissed him off in equal measure. She had lost the midnight blue tint that her hair had when she was a Genin. Now it was as black as a raven's feathers.

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