Chapter 10

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Author's Note: Thanks for the reviews. I hope you all enjoy this chapter.

Naruto talking to Kyuubi in bold.

Kyuubi talking to Naruto in bold italics.

Chapter Notation: You may notice some changes to various characters' abilities. Sometimes they will gain one that they didn't necessarily have or they will be less apt at a particular jutsu. When such modifications are made, it's generally for the sake of the plot. Naruto will also get his "revenge" in the next chapter.

Chapter 10

"It's a shame really. After everything, you're going to throw away your own life." Danzo says.

"Naruto, get back! That thing is sucking everything in front of it!" Suki screams out in warning.

Indeed, the fearsome creature was doing exactly that. The tapir-like creature was somehow sucking everything into its mouth that was within reach. Naruto had never seen anything like it.

"This is Baku. He's my Summon. As you can see, he has a rather useful ability." The elderly ninja informs them with a cold smirk.

It had to be done. Suki and Naruto had to die, if the Leaf was going to continue to thrive. The truth must never get out.

Unlike the Third Hokage, Danzo was willing to do whatever was necessary to protect the village. It didn't matter how unpleasant it might be. The end justified the means.

"A creature like that is vulnerable to fire. Baku will consume everything, including flames." Kurama says.

"SUKI! Bell Test Surprise it!" Naruto calls out to his Mate desperately, hoping that she would understand what he was saying.

Suki smirks. She knew exactly what Naruto meant by that. It had been awhile, but she remembered that day with perfect clarity.

During their Bell Test, Kakashi had been surprised by her usage of a Fire Jutsu. He didn't think that Genins had enough chakra to use that attack. Naruto was right. A Summon like Baku would be vulnerable to fire.

"FIREBALL JUTSU: PHOENIX FLOWER STYLE!" She yells as she hurls a mighty blaze at the strange creature.

Kurama was proven right. The tapir-like Summon was soon howling in pain. Suki felt a flash of pity for the beast. It wasn't Baku's fault that he had Danzo for a Master.

She quickly squashes that down though. Now was not the time to get sentimental. Now was the time to beat some answers out of the elderly ninja.

"Clever, but not clever enough. Why don't the two of you go back to the Uchiha District and forget all about this? You'd be much happier." Danzo inquires, using Shisui's technique in an attempt to influence their thoughts.

"Maybe, he's right. Itachi is going to die anyway." Naruto says to Kurama.

For a moment, Suki's resolve falters. Itachi was going to die soon. She didn't really need to lift a finger for it to happen. All she had to do was wait.

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