Chapter 16

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Author's Note: Thanks for the reviews. I hope you all enjoy this chapter.

Naruto talking to Kyuubi in bold.

Kyuubi talking to Naruto in bold italics

Chapter Notation: Suki's answer may seem out of character, but I hope that the explanation makes it an acceptable one to everyone.

Chapter 16

"You know this would be a lot easier, if you used a Transformation Jutsu. Kisame, you stick out like a sore thumb. We'll never make it to the Hokage's Office without someone trying to stop us." Suki says.

The strange group had been traveling for awhile now. Naruto, Suki, Kisame, and Itachi were almost upon the Leaf. It was likely another ten minutes away at most. They could probably just Flicker there, really.

"Meh. You can just pretend that the two of you have taken us prisoners. That should impress them long enough for you to do whatever you've got in mind, Princess. I'm sure that you have something quite dramatic planned. This should be funny. It's like a tiger shark trying to attack a whale." The Akatsuki Member observes.

"He's going to become shark finned soup at this rate. I like him though. Another predator." Kurama comments.

Naruto rubs the back of his head sheepishly. Kurama could be weird sometimes. He liked Kisame because he was another predator. Yeah. That was bizarre.

"I'm glad you're entertained." Suki says dryly as she glances at her Mate.

Suki smiles. Naruto was always there for her. It didn't matter what happened, her Sun never completely left her. Not even when they were miles apart. She knew that she was always in his thoughts and he was always in hers.

"Yeah. I'm really happy about the Mating Bond. I never would have realized that she was thinking that way about me without it." Naruto says.

For the moment, he decides to ignore the Nine Tails comments on Kisame. His Mate was feeling rather affectionate towards him. There was nothing better than basking in the love of his beautiful Mate.

"Oh yeah. You're Itachi's kid sister, alright. Same type of sense of humor, if you can call it that." Kisame says casually.

Kisame really creeped Naruto out. He really was alike an animal that somehow figured out how to talk. The sooner they got rid of the shark, the better in his opinion. Oh and those teeth looked lethal.

"Well we could try to walk into the village, but people would notice. They'd stop us and ask us questions if we were lucky. If we weren't lucky, they'd assume we were enemy ninjas. A message might be better." Suki says.

Naruto nods. He quickly summons two of his medium sized toads. They'd be able to get in and out of there without too much trouble.

"Got it." The Jinchuuriki says proudly.

"Toads? So Jirayia really did teach this brat. I never understood the toad thing. They're ugly as Hell." Kisame muses.

"YOU'RE ONE TO TALK!" Naruto and the toads exclaim outrage as Suki proceeds to write her note.

Ninjas could be an eccentric lot. Suki knew that. So it wasn't really a surprise that the toads, Naruto, and Kisame were bickering over looks.

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