Chapter 18

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Author's Note: Thanks for the reviews. I hope you all enjoy this chapter.

Naruto talking to Kyuubi in bold.

Kyuubi talking to Naruto in bold italics.

Chapter Notation: I put warnings up before and after the execution scene. It may be a bit more descriptive than some readers are comfortable with. If you choose to skip it, it will not alter the plot and you should still be able to understand the basic idea of what happened.

Chapter 18

"We can execute them in whatever manner we see fit." Suki informs Itachi.

Itachi raises an eyebrow. He didn't see what good that would do. It wasn't going to bring their family back and the Council in their own way had only been trying to protect the Leaf. Punishing them was pointless.

"I told you to nurse your hatred to grow stronger. I wanted you to kill me so that the Leaf would look upon you as the tragic hero. It was my hope that when you became strong enough to slay me, that you could restore our Clan and begin a happier page in our family's history. Killing the Council has nothing to do with that." He states flatly.

"You actually believe that they shouldn't pay for their actions? You've paid for years. You were a Criminal Ninja. You've had to live with your guilt for all these years. You've allowed your illness to go untreated while they lived in the lap of luxury as if nothing had ever happened. How is that just, Itachi?!" Suki demands.

He sighs and glances at his foolish little sister. It was only natural that she would want revenge. The Council had ordered the death of most of her kin and stolen her childhood, but he doubted it would bring her the peace that she was so desperately seeking.

"They will pay for their actions. Whether that is in this life or the next, doesn't matter. Suki, you have the chance to start over. What you showed them today has given you that. It would be a far wiser option to start over with a clean slate. One that isn't covered in blood." He advises her.

"Well then I guess it's a good thing that I'm your foolish little sister. I'm not wise. I do believe in justice though. If you think that I'm going to allow them to live, you're the foolish one." She hisses.

Itachi sighs. This was not at all how he wanted this to go. Where was Naruto. Surely, he wouldn't sanction such bloodshed.

"What does your Mate think about this? From what I know of Naruto, he doesn't seem like the type that would condone torture. Make no mistake about it, that is what you are planning." The elder Uchiha says.

"Naruto loves me. He understands. The Darkness doesn't touch him in the same way it does most people." Suki whispers.

Well that was something. There was real love in his sister's voice when she spoke of the bubbly blonde. At least, Suki wasn't alone anymore. That made him happy.

"You're determined to go through with this, aren't you?" He asks with a resigned sigh.

"Yes, I am. I'm going to do it with or without your help." The raven haired woman says.

"I surmised as much. You've grown into a very stubborn woman. I suppose that you get that from mother. One would have to be stubborn to win over the heart of our father." Itachi says with a wistful smile.

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