Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

A few minutes later, Orochimaru smirks. This was a most wondrous opportunity. Not only would he have an Uchiha as his next vessel, he might very well soon possess the power of a Jinchuuriki.

"Naruto, this doesn't need to end in tragedy. You want to ensure that Suki safe and so do I. She's far too valuable to me to allow anything to happen to her. What I propose is very simple. You would stay in the Sound. We find Itachi. He can become my next vessel and then Suki can return to the Leaf with you." He says.

Naruto's eyes narrow. That sounded a little too perfect. Sure, Orochimaru would probably take Itachi's body as fast as he would Suki's. Why would he just give her up though? That didn't make any sense.

"Leave him out of this!" Suki snarls at Orochimaru.

"Now, now, Suki. This is Naruto's decision. Just as you decided to come to me willingly, he should also be extended the same courtesy." The Sannin coos at her.

Suki felt white hot rage rushing through her veins. Naruto didn't belong in the Sound. She had to kill Itachi and she would pay whatever price was necessary to do that, but Naruto didn't have to.

"Just go back home. You don't belong here." Suki tells Naruto.

"You did manage to draw blood, but the Mark didn't take. If you want her as your Mate, you'll have to bite harder next time. The chakra exchange has to take place, for it to be a true Mating." Kurama says.

Naruto blinks in confusion. He didn't know what Kurama was talking about, but it sounded important. Was that why he wanted to bite Suki so much? He wanted to Mark her? What did that mean?

"Marking? Mating? What are you talking about? You aren't making any sense? What do you think about Orochimaru's offer?" He replies.

"It would be easier just to go along with it. Once you are alone with the Uchiha, you can Mark her and then use the Flying Thunder God Technique to return to the Leaf. As for Mating, I'll explain that later. Right now, you need to keep your eyes on the Sannin." The Nine Tails reminds him.

Naruto frowns as he considers Kyuubi's advice. He did have a point. It might just be easier to stay and grab Suki at the first opportunity. Then he could take her home. Oh she'd be mad at him, but it was for her own good.

He couldn't seriously let her stay here. Not with Orochimaru. He wasn't going to lose her again. Naruto remembered what happened during the fight with Haku once more and shivers. No. He never wanted to feel that way again. One way or another, he was going to save her.

"He's right about one thing. It's my choice." Naruto says.

"Yes, which is why you should go back to the Leaf. Naruto, I can handle this. This has nothing to do with you." Suki tells him.

That irritated him. Why couldn't she just let him help her? Why did she always have to act like she had to do everything on her own?

"I'm staying. It's the smarter deal. Orochimaru gets Itachi. So he'll get his vessel. You'll avenge your Clan and you can come home." Naruto reasons.

"Are you out of your mind?! Go! I don't want you here!" Suki growls at Naruto as she charges at him, forming a Chidori.

"You're Mate is going to be a handful. The sooner you Mark her, the better." The Nine Tails informs him.

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