Chapter 17

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Author's Note: Thanks for the reviews. I hope you all enjoy this chapter.

Naruto talking to Kyuubi in bold.

Kyuubi talking to Naruto in bold italics.

Chapter Notation: I gave Ibiki a new ability in this chapter. Well at least I believe it's new. I doubt it's cannon. Anyway, I hope you all have fun reading about it.

Chapter 17

Days. It had been days since Suki and Naruto had brought Itachi back to the Leaf Village. Whatever secrets he was hiding, he was hiding them with every ounce of determination that he possessed.

"Should we go and check on Kisame? It's probably going to be awhile before Ibiki can make him confess." Naruto asks his Mate.

"Yeah. That might be a good idea." Suki concedes as she takes her Mate's hand in her own and the two walk off together.

Together. They were always together now. Almost everything was as it should be. They just needed undeniable proof that the Massacre had been ordered and then the couple would ensure that justice was served.

Suki glances at Naruto and sighs softly. She was constantly "checking" on him. Would Naruto change his mind at the last minute? Would he show pity or mercy towards the Council?

She didn't know and that thought terrified her. If Naruto truly objected, the raven haired woman didn't know what she would do. Could she go against her Mate's wishes? Could she allow the murderers to go unpunished?

"Your Mate is spiraling again." Kurama warns Naruto.

"Yeah. I know, but she has a damn good reason to spiral and I'm spiraling too. I can't believe this! The Leaf ordered someone to kill their own family!" Naruto thunders in outrage.

Suki stops and turns to Naruto. She could sense it. The ball of light was lashing out in fury. His rage was a reflection of her own.

"Whatever happens, we'll find a way to deal with it. Don't worry so much about me. I have you. That's all I really need a the moment." She whispers, before kissing him.

Naruto kisses back and pushes her up against the wall. He liked pinning her and pushing her against things. He knew that it was stupid, but it made the blonde feel like she couldn't run off again.

They were Mates now. He knew that Suki loved him. She just had a messed up way of showing it, but that didn't stop him from worry that she might run off again.

"Mmm I give you an inch and you try to take the Fire Nation." Suki whispers breathlessly, after breaking the kiss.

"I could take the whole Five Nations, if you'd let me. We still haven't had our Honeymoon yet." He tell sher with a grin.

"Mmm. The whole Five Nations? Now I'm trembling with excitement." She purrs in his ear seductively, before licking at it.

She never would have thought that Naruto of all people would be such a lustful creature. Suki had decided to pawn it off to the fact that he had two extremely perverted instructors and a fox demon inside him. Really, either of those things might be the cause for his deviancy.

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