Chapter 22

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Author's Note: Thanks for the reviews. I hope that you all enjoy the grand finale of Primal.

Naruto talking to Kyuubi in bold.

Kyuubi talking to Naruto in bold italics.

Chapter Notation: This takes place four years after the last one. I also put warnings before and after the first delivery scene. I didn't go into graphic detail. Though if you're squeamish, you can skip it with ease and the plot won't be altered.

Chapter 22

Three years later, Suki shakes her head as she watches Naruto race around the Uchiha District. The Hokage might have been able to defeat Madara, but he was no match for the Terrifying Threes. Though apparently, he liked to think that he was.

The twins were their pride and joy. It hadn't taken long after their official marriage for Suki to become pregnant and now they had two beautiful toddlers. Nariko and Yoko.

"You know that you're never going to catch them. Not without Shadow Clones." Suki informs her husband.

"What? No way! That's cheating! That wouldn't be fair. I mean they're only three. It's not like they can do Shadow Clones." Naruto retorts.

Suki rolls her eyes playfully at her husband's logic. She doubted very much that either toddler was capable of scolding him for cheating, even if they were rather articulate for children their age.

"Foolish little sister, you know that Naruto always has to do things the hard way." Itachi observes with no small amount of mirth.

"Mmm that's very true." The raven haired woman agrees with a fond smile as she watches her husband get outsmarted by a pair of three year olds.

It was amazing, really. Naruto was easily one of the strongest ninjas to have ever lived and yet, their daughters could run circles around them. Suki didn't have any idea where the twins got all their energy, really.

On second thought, she did. They must have inherited it from Naruto. She didn't mind though. Naruto and their daughters were the center of her world. Well them and Itachi. Everyone else were little more than an afterthought.

"I'm betting that the next one is going to be a boy. You have two girls. So make sure it's a boy. I got a lot of money, riding on this one." Kisame adds.

Suki snorts and subtly hurls a fireball at the former Criminal Ninja. She couldn't believe that Kisame was actually doing something as childish as betting on her next child's gender. Well at least Itachi would never participate in such tomfoolery.

"I'm betting that it's going to be a blonde. Naruto has blonde hair and so did his father. It's a recessive trait, but it's one that his family has had for at least two generations. It's bound to pop up sooner or later." Her brother continues.

The pregnant Uchiha Matriarch twitches. She couldn't believe this! Itachi had bet on her child's hair color AND he thought that there was going to be a blonde Uchiha!

"And you call me foolish. Ha! As if there is ever going to be a blonde Uchiha!" She grumbles.

"Oh don't look so irritated. You're my baby sister and you're having babies. It's only natural that I would be thinking of my future niece or nephew." The other ninja states.

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