Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Naruto had never been more angry in his entire life. Did Suki have a death wish or something? She had just run off while she was in chakra cuffs! Was she trying to get killed?!

"You'd be wise to grab her and then use the Seal to return to the Leaf. This village is dangerous. I'd level it to the ground, if your Mate wasn't inside it." Kurama says.

"You still haven't explained exactly what that means!" Naruto snaps at him as he looks around.

He knew that his eyes were likely red. Naruto could feel that his teeth had become sharper and so had his senses. He hadn't Gone Full Kyuubi yet, but he was close. He was too close to losing control to put up with Kurama's cryptic nature.

"You're the most oblivious human that I have ever met. That is certainly saying something because most of your species tends to be pathetically dimwitted." The Nine Tails replies.

Naruto growls in irritation. He wasn't in the mood to deal with Kurama's games. He had to find Suki and the blonde wanted to know what the Hell a Mate was once and for all.

"Just tell me!" He snaps at him.

"Humans have different terms for it. The closest approximation in your species would be husband or wife. Mating goes much deeper than that, but that's the easiest way to explain it. I believe that Suki understands about Mating Bonds. That's likely the reason why she's avoiding you." The fox demon explains.

Naruto''s eyes widen. That couldn't be true, could it? That's why he wanted to bite her so much and why she was avoiding him?

"There's no way that she's my Mate. There has to be some kind of mistake. She doesn't like me that way." He says.

Kurama rolls his eyes. Humans had to make everything difficult. They had to rationalize things. Why they couldn't just accept when they found their Mates, he would never know.

"You almost Marked her twice. There's no mistake. Learn to trust your instincts. That and you should duck." Kurama warns him.

Naruto quickly ducks and it was a good thing he did. He was being attacked by a group of Sound Ninjas. That just wasn't right. He was in the middle of a conversation!

"SHADOW CLONE JUTSU!" He shouts as a dozen or so clones form.

He didn't know if Suki was actually his Mate. At the moment, it didn't matter though. What mattered is that he had to find her and get her out of here!

Meanwhile Suki stiffens. She could hear Naruto's voice. Damn it. This wasn't supposed to happen!

"I have to go talk to him." Suki says, once Kabuto undoes the cuffs.

"Of course. You better hurry. Our ninjas will tear him to part, if he doesn't ask the Nine Tails for help and that would be rather unfortunate." The silver haired medic says.

Suki quickly darts off. She'd deal with Kabuto later. Right now, she needed to prevent a bloodbath.

"STOP! He's with me!" Suki screams as she races towards the Jinchuuriki and Sound Ninjas.

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