Seriously, how?

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"Ugh," the villain groaned as she massages her head while the hero hovered above her.

"You think you could stop me after years of your training? That's ridiculous. You would never defeat me if you have my powers," she said as she punches the villain one last time before she leaves.

"I gor her before and I can do it again," the villain said as she floats away with bruises.

A paper card flew at her face and she removed it but got a paper cut.

"Ow! What the?" She said and reads the card.

"Black Hat organization?" She read out loud.

Back at the manor, Dr. Flug was making another invention, Demencia was at the lab with him who was obviously teasing or disturbing the doctor (scientist?) at work, 5.0.5 was helping his father, while Black Hat was looking out the glass in his office waiting for a special someone.

Then the thunder came with lightning making him grin widely. He summoned his minions in a painful way as the villain came.

"Uhm, hello?" she asked and tried to see in the darkroom.

As soon as she took a step forward, she was transported into Black Hat's office then saw a lizard girl punching a paper bag-wearing person who was being held by a blue bear.

"I see you wanted our help," Black Hat said as he leaned closer to her.

"The name's Maniac senior, and I want you to capture Neutralso I can torture him or maybe kill her slowly," she answered as she held his hand earning a hiss from the lizard girl.

"What excellent plan Maniac. Dr. Flug here will use his invention with the help of Demencia and 5.0.5 but remember there will always be a price to pay," he said and she shook his hand as a sign of approval.

"Okay Demencia, remember to follow the plan alright?" Dr. Flug ordered her who was looking at him like she was about to do something.

"Ai Ai nerd~," she said in a somewhat sweet way. 

"Uhm, okay? Anyways, let's go. 5.0.5, you better hold her tightly," he said as they all walkout.

"What if you were the one who will hold," she replied earning a look from him.

"Uh, are those two dating?" Maniac asked their boss.

"Hmm, I always see them as torture buddies but now that you mention it..." he said then grinned widely.

"I mean have you seen the two look at each other," she added as she glances at him who surprisingly glanced back.


"So you're openly flirting at me now?" he continued as they were riding to the hero.

"No. I was practicing my flirting skills at you so I can try them to senior Black Hat," she replied as she checked her nails then looked at him.

He rolled his eyes as they safely landed.

While they got out, the hero immediately smashed Demencia with her powers with of course a neutral face. 

Demencia immediately stood up and gathered her strength to hit her back.

"Remember Demencia to not kill her, just make her unconscious," he reminded her as she nodded.

She grabbed the hero by her hair and was about to punch her but due to Neutral's powers, she blocked it easily making her distracted.

Dr. Flug aimed the ray at Neutral but for some reason, 5.0.5 hugged him and let go after Neutral got out of Demencia's grip.

"Damn it 5.0.5," he cursed and was about to aim again when the hero hit him making Demencia pissed. 

She jumped on top of her head making her groan then punch her over and over again.

"Flug, now!" she said as he finished aiming and shot her making her unconscious.

"You hit her way too hard," he said then looked at her. "Protective much?" he added making her grin.

"Awoo?" 5.0.5 said hugging Demencia.

"Oh, right. You never heard Demencia call me 'Flug'. Well, it is because she calls me that when–," they all got transported back to the office thanks to Black Hat.

"The two of us are alone...Oh, Black hat sir. Didn't expect to be transported back," he continued as Demencia walked near him while 5.0.5 carried the body of neutral.

"You were saying?" Maniac said making the two blush. Dr. Flug gulped while Demencia just smiled.

"When did this start?" Black Hat asked.

"Uhm, you see sir..."

"The summer project 2 years ago. Or was that 3 years ago nerd?" she asked him with an innocent face as she looks at him making him glare at her.

"Is that a bruise on Dr. Flug's neck?" Maniac innocently asked.

"Ugh," Black Hat groaned as he puts his fingers on the bridge of his nose.

"Anyways, since you captured her. Let me take her now and you all handle everything here. Senior Black Hat, I already paid so see you someday," Maniac said and carried her away.

"I can't believe Manic was right," Black Hat groaned. He fiercely look at the two and tortured them while 5.0.5 hides.

"Now go and finish your work and whatever you do," he ordered them. "Now where's the blue bear," he added as he held the ray.

Demencia and Dr. Flug arm in arm walk back to the lab after that nightmare but they're used to it as they laugh it out and patch each other's bruises or scars.

"It was weird that he didn't hurt our bruises from earlier deeply," Demencia said as she puts a bandaid on his neck making him sigh.

"Yeah, weird. I wonder why," he replied. 

"Maybe that was his way of congratulating us," Demencia said as see laughs then Dr. Flug joined.

VILLAINOUS: Dr. Flug x Demencia || One Shots ||Where stories live. Discover now