The new year

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The rooftop was the only place to look at the fireworks, the whole city, and the stars. That's where Demencia mostly stays when she isn't active–or mostly known as dangerous. She comes here to recollect her thoughts.

Sometimes, villains need to have alone time.

The new year was coming in hours and she chose to stay there to wait for the fireworks–and the town was about to explode.

"Is this what I want to do my whole life? Working for sir Black Hat? Well, he's gorgeous so that's a given but...should I have kids? Should I get married? Be a hero? Ew, no, never!" She says as she stares at the night sky with her arms behind her head.

The night breeze was making her shiver but she got used to the cold and taught her body to not give in whatsoever because she could never be weak. She was the strength or muscle of the team so being weak might make her fired from the job she loves the most. 

"I think I could take a nap while I wait for the explosion? The bombs won't explode at exactly 12 AM which Black Hat specifically said. For Demencia, she did not care what time the bomb would go off-as long as it really explodes and destroy the town or kill someone.

"New year and new heroes to punch, huh? That would be so fun~ But what else should I do? Do more drawings? Celebrate my birthday once again?" many thoughts have appeared in her mind after the future thinking with a partner. 

Inside the house, Dr. Flug was trying to find Demencia after she escaped her room-more like a dungeon since she was supposed to be there for her daily injection but ran off to who knows where. 

He called out a few times making Black Hat mad for his screaming so he just used his inventions in finding the lizard girl. Also with the help of 5.0.5 but he went to the living room thinking he would see fireworks soon. 

With his jetpack, he went to the roof which was the last place he thought that he would find her but he thought wrong. He saw her laying down on the roof and seeing her...calm but in the back of his mind, he was thinking how in the world did she get up there.

He went closer making her sit up a little and knowing it was him, she laid back down and took a nap once again. Sitting closer to her, he looked at her once again. He saw her sleep due to the injection but not naturally and this looked more peaceful. 

Unlike Demencia, he was cold. He just realized that when the night breeze suddenly hit him while looking-more like staring at her. Hugging himself to feel a little bit warm, he looked up at the sky and saw the stars twinkling and an airplane past by making him think what if he was a pilot instead.

He said to himself, "But my smarts were put to good use! And I have more potential in becoming a scientist, I get to meet new people and ghosts. I also have close friends but sir Black Hat is more like an idol but eh...I consider him as a friend." The current time was 11:30 PM and it was near 12 making Demencia wake up to a shaking Dr. Flug who seems to be mesmerized by the stars.

Demencia burst out laughing as she seems him shiver. He looked at her annoyingly still hugging himself but this time he place his knees near his chest since seeing Demencia laugh at him because of shivering made him realize how cold it is becoming.

Since the two are nearly the same height, Demencia carried him who seemed surprised when she did so and placed him in between her lap. She placed her chest near his back and placed her arm on top of her knee. He still was shocked and shivering less now thanks to her. 

He looked at her with curiousness but didn't mind it and changed his view straight ahead.

"Hey Flug, what do you think the future will be?" she suddenly asked and he just shrugged not knowing but to say. "Will you have a girlfriend? Or boyfriend? You are old enough to have children so will you have one? Or maybe three?" she kept asking nonstop making his cheeks blush red. Such a topic being said was new for him since no one talked about it. The only conversation between the two was Black Hat, destruction, science, and injuries. Things about their past lives on how they met Black Hat or become a villain have never spoken off–even the topic about lovers.

VILLAINOUS: Dr. Flug x Demencia || One Shots ||Where stories live. Discover now