Chapter 4 - Trauma

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September 12th

The sun is shining in through a crack in the curtains. It's blinding my eyes, making me squint. I hear a soft moan and a brush against my chest. Liam is laying with his arm on top of my chest. Close. His breath is making my hair float in rhythm to his puffs. We didn't fall asleep like this, did we? I'm disoriented from sleeping. What happened last night? He came here, then we ate something. Some talking, watching TV. I gasp out loudly. Truth or dare! What was I thinking? Seriously? Yes, I was kind of on a roll with making Liam blush, but I shouldn't have suggested something like that! And my answer to his question! My heart is racing in my chest. I am very aware of Liam's bare skin touching mine and his lips brushing softy against my shoulder. Then I feel my heart drop, a churning feeling in the bottom of my stomach. His answer. Or rather, his lack of answer. The way he completely rejected me yesterday.

Liam turns even more towards me, burrowing his face into the hollow of my neck. If I were a blusher, I would blush. He's most likely doing this without knowing. But I know. What do I do? If I move he might wake up and get embarrassed. If I don't he'll still wake up and be embarrassed. Unless I pretend to sleep so that he can move away on his own. That's a good idea. I'll just pretend to sleep. I would try to snooze off, but the electric current pulsating from his skin stops me. I reach over to the desk for my phone. The time says 8.00 am. He should wake up soon, we didn't go to sleep that late. Maybe I'll throw something at the door to wake him up. To rattle him awake, and then pretend to sleep through it. Good idea!

I grab a charger from the floor. If I aim just right, I'll hit the door handle, causing it to jiggle. That might wake him up. I throw the charger. It hits the doorframe, creating a low thump. Shit. I'll try again. I pick up a book. This'll make sound no matter where it hits. I aim and throw. It hits my open wardrobe door, causing it to slam close. Perfect. I peek over at Liam. He moans softly and starts to slowly open his eyes. I rapidly close mine, going through with my plan.

I did not expect this. He's grabbing me closer. I can hear his breath. He's definitely awake. I feel a gentle squeeze around my waist before he lets go and turns around. He definitely isn't mad about waking up like this. I was hoping his reaction would be big enough that he'd either get up, or 'wake' me up. But is it so bad if he was cuddling me before? I can hear his breathing slowing down, getting heavier. For once, I'll take a chance. I roll over towards him and snuggle up against his side. I can feel his heart through his skin. It's hammering. He takes a deep breath before he turns towards me as well. Now we're cuddling, arms tangled. This is nice.

"Good morning," I say.

He jumps up from my voice. He probably didn't expect me to be awake. I chuckle under my breath.

"Yeah, I'm awake. You're cute by the way. How you gave me a little squeeze before turning."

His cheeks turn a bright red. He's wearing only boxers, same as me. Our skin was touching, making me shiver before. Now he sits shivering for another reason. He's cold. My room doesn't have heating in the summer.

"Come on! Come back under the duvet!"

He looks embarrassed at me before he slowly lays back down. I toss the duvet over him. He's not shivering now, even though I am.

"Are you cold?" He asks, sounding concerned. "You can have more of the blanket."

I smile wide.

"That's not why I'm shivering," I say, winking at him.

He buries his face into the crack between our two pillows. I laugh as I stroke his hair. It's soft, softer than mine at least. He looks up at me, still hiding half his face in the white cotton. I smile widely.

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