Chapter 2

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13 years ago...

Joseph and her first met when they were both just eighteen years old, during their first year of university. Although she had been enrolled for a degree in sociology, she had chosen an accounting module as part of her credits for her first year. It was in her first Management Accounting lecture that she saw him. Tall, dark, with his brown wavy hair, swept back. He was walking in, laughing with his friends, from the front of the class while she was just about to take a seat in the back row of the room. It wasn't love at first sight, no. But it was definitely something. It was an instant attraction, hitting her like a little jolt of electricity from a broken wire. As he walked in, his eyes caught hers. In that split second, something passed between them. His smile faltered just for a moment before he regain his composure and kept walking. He and his friends took their seats on the right side of the room, not too far from where she was sitting. As he sat, he turned back and looked at her before getting back to his reality.

Luckily for Brianna, this was the first lecture and as such was mainly a familiarisation session. She could barely concentrate as she kept fantasizing about him. This complete stranger whom she knows nothing about.

Tap tap tap. The small sound on her desk brought her back to focus. Looking up, her hazel eyes met his deep brown eyes. This close, she could see the gold flecks that surrounded his pupil. Her mouth went dry. "Hey," he said grinning "you do realize the class is over right?" Her eyes were drawn to his lips, those amazing lips. As what he said registered in her brain, she forced herself to stop looking at his lips and look around the lecture room. Half the students had already left with the remaining half still lingering around and chatting.

She smiled back at him and said, "I was just lost in my thoughts for a moment." Standing up, she started packing up her things in her shoulder bag. Grateful that she had no other lectures that day, otherwise she would have had to run all across campus to reach the Sociology block.

"You have a pretty name," he said. Confused, she looked at him "But I haven't told you my name." Gesturing at her bag, he smiled at her. She was a creative person, and always found new craft projects to do. On her bag, she had crossed-stiched her name amidst an array of butterflies in the bottom corner. "Right, very observant. And do I get to know yours?"

"Joseph. My friends and I are going to the beach in front of campus, would you like to join us?" Not yet sure of how to handle this attraction she was feeling, Brianna told him that she had a few things to do back at her dorm and would join them next time. At the next lecture, Joseph came right towards her and took the seat next to her. She willed her heart to stop racing.

"Hey, you" she smiled as he took his seat, acting like she was in total control of herself. They started talking and it felt like they had known each other for a long time. It all felt natural, and she soon forgot that physical pull he had on her. The lecturer walked in, and they soon focused their attention on him. After the lecture was over, they went for lunch at a small restaurant in the corner. They talked about growing up, their family, and friends. She told him about her creative hobbies and her passion for nature. He was one of those active outdoorsy types, who enjoys all sorts of sports although he does not practice any on a serious level.

They carried on like that throughout the first semester. Going out a few times - movies, beach, and hikes. Seeing each other almost every day made them grow closer. They considered themselves friends and did not want to put any other labels on their relationship. Brianna, having grown up with her fairytale fantasy in her mind, was always waiting for Joseph to make the first move. After all, he was the prince who was supposed to sweep the princess off to his castle. She was already sure she was in love with him, but the fear that she felt way more than he did always prevented her from saying so.

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