Chapter 27

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Brianna stared at him in shock, her brain refusing to accept what she had just heard. She felt her anger over how he treated her over the past few days bubbling to the surface.

"You gave me shit for sleeping with a man for the past six months when you have been sleeping with another woman for the past four years??" she screeched at him. "What the fuck is wrong with you? Making me feel like shit when you're not even better yourself?"

"Brie, I'm sorry. Please calm down."

"Calm down? Are you serious? Joseph, you are a fucking hypocrite. Wait a minute," she stopped as her brain finally registered the implications of what he actually said. "This was before I got pregnant with Nicholas?" she asked, tears filling up her eyes as she realised that her relationship had been over way before she got into bed with Frankie.

"Not exactly before," Joseph said, feeling stupid at his need to correct her knowing it did not make things any better, "it was when you were a few weeks pregnant. I ended it before you gave birth, but it started again after."

"So, you are basically telling me that you have a four-year relationship with another woman."

"It's not a relationship. It's not like you and Frankie."

"How the hell would you know that?"

"Brie, you and Frankie have a history together. You guys have been friends since university. So there was already mutual affection there."

"Who is she?" she asked.

"It's not important. We've both made mistakes. Can we try to move on from them? For Nicky's sake."

"I need to know who she is."


"Who is she?"

Resigned, he sighed, "Lucy."

"Lucy, the woman you work with Lucy?"


"So each time you were working late, you were with her," she said matter-of-factly.

"Can we move on from this? Give us another try?"

"I can't think properly right now. I'm going to sleep in Nicky's room tonight."

"You can take the bed, Brie. Nicky's bed is small. I'll sleep on the couch."

She stood up quietly and walked to their bedroom, her mind a stark contrast to the calmness she displayed. Only when she closed the bedroom door did she break down. She sat, leaning against the headboard of the bed and cried. Her emotions confused her. She cried for a relationship that she tried so hard to fix for a long time, for thinking she was the problem. She cried for a man who stayed with her even if he didn't love her. She cried for the years she lost waiting for him to propose to her. She cried for feeling guilty for sleeping with a man who actually wanted to be with her.

She didn't know what time she actually drifted off to sleep. She was awakened by the ringing of her phone the next morning. "Hello," she answered groggily.

"Morning, did I wake you?"

"Frankie. Hi. It's alright. What time is it anyway," she answered yawning.

"It's 9 o'clock. I got worried because I didn't hear from you last night and this morning."

"Yeh, I went to bed early," she lied.

"What are your plans today?"

"Same. Just home in bed."

"Let me come pick you up."

 "I'm really tired, Frankie," she cried. "I just want to be alone for a bit."

After she hung up, she got out of bed, noticing the bedroom door was already opened as she walked through to the living room. The already empty house stirred feelings of loneliness inside her. Checking her phone, she saw a few missed calls already: from her parents and Joseph's mother. 

She called back her mum first, "Hi Mum."

"Happy Birthday baby. How are you doing? Is your shoulder better?"

"Thanks Mum. I'm doing ok. It still hurts a bit but I'm coping. How's Dad?"

"Same as always. He is already outside in his garden. He can never sit down and do nothing. What do you have planned today? I'm sure Jo has a lovely day planned ahead for you."

"Not really mum. It's just going to be a quiet one this year. You know with the accident and all," she lied.

"Ah shame, but yes, it's better you have a quiet one at home. Dear, your dad is calling me outside. I'll tell him you called. Take care of yourself. I love you. Have a great day."

"Love you too, Mum. Bye."

She called Joseph's mum next, holding her breath as she listened to the ringing tone.

"Brianna, Happy Birthday!" she answered in her singsong voice.

 "Thanks, Mum. Did Nicky stay home today?"

"Yes, he's outside playing with the next door neighbour. Tonight I'm bringing him over for dinner. He hasn't seen you all week," she stated, leaving no room for Brianna to object.

"Yes, please do. I'm missing him quite a bit," she answered, her spirit lifting up slightly.

"How are things?" she asked. Brianna understood the meaning behind her question.

"Jo and I have some things to talk about and work through, so I'm not too sure where we stand at the moment," she answered honestly.

"And that other man?"

"What time will be coming by later?" she asked, changing the subject.

"Around six. Will you be needing anything?"

"No, it's alright. We'll sort everything out on our side. I'll see you later. Give a big kiss to Nicky for me."

As she hung up the phone, she walked to the bathroom and filled up the bathtub with bath salts and hot water. After she managed to struggle out of her clothes, she placed a towel on the side of the tub for her casted arm and slowly immersed herself in the water. The hot water soothing against her body as she dozed off.

A while later, she heard the doorbell ring. "Please go away," she thought to herself, refusing to get out of the tub. Ding dong, she heard again. She closed her eyes, as if should could magically make whoever was at the door disappear.


"Why are you not answering," Frankie thought worriedly as he stood in front of the door. He tried turning the door knob, and to his surprise the door opened. "I really have to teach this woman how to lock her door."

"Brie?" he called her softly as he slowly walked through the living room. Panic starting to rise up in his chest when he heard no answer. He rushed to the bedroom and saw the bathroom door open. His breath caught in his throat as images of her lying unconcious on the floor flashed in his mind.

"Brie?" he called loudly as he ran into the bathroom. He froze when he saw her screeched as she sat up in the bathtub, her hand on her chest as if holding her heart in place.

"Brie, sorry, I got so worried when you didn't answer."

"Frankie, what the hell! You scared the living hell out of me. What are you doing here??"

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