Chapter 5

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"What is happening to me?" Brianna asked herself as she fell on her bed.

She laid there for an hour, with the butterflies in her stomach still fluttering widely. For a moment at her door, she had thought he was going to kiss her. For a moment, she actually wanted him to kiss her. She could see the desires in his eyes even if he tried to hide it, she wasn't blind. And it had been so long since Joseph had looked at her that way. Confused, she went to take a hot shower to try and clear her mind. "It must be the effects of the alcohol," she mused.

As she wrapped herself in her bathrobe 30 minutes later, she heard a message come through on her phone. Thinking Joseph was still up at this time, she went to check it.

F: Hey, are you still up?

Before she could talk herself out of answering, she saw her fingers typing.

B: Yeh, was just taking a shower.

"Why did I say that?" she thought.

F: OK. I really enjoyed seeing you today.
F: Can we meet up for breakfast?
B: I thought we were meeting up tomorrow night.
F: We are. But I'd also like to see you for breakfast.
F: I don't know when I will see you again, and I'd like to make the most of this time with you.

Staring at her phone, Brianna knew this was a dangerous game she was playing. "But it's just breakfast," she thought.

B: Frankie, I don't think that we should.
F: Why not? You do eat breakfast in the mornings, don't you?
B: Yes, but that's not the point.
F: So, you eat breakfast. I eat breakfast. So let's just sit at the same table and eat breakfast?
B: Are you trying to be funny?
F: Nope. Very serious. I want to have breakfast with you tomorrow.
B: I have a very hectic morning tomorrow. I will see you at 7.30 as agreed for dinner.

B: Goodnight Frankie.
F: Goodnight Brie

"Dinner," Brianna thought, "Enough time to get back my focus." She hadn't expected seeing Frankie would have this effect on her. After all, they only slept together once and they were drunk. "I must be hormonal," she said finding all possible excuses.

Putting on her red nightdress, she slipped into bed.

At her hotel room door, Frankie leaned down, his lips coming closer to hers and brushing it lightly. She leaned forward, keeping the contact a little while longer. With that, Frankie pressed his lips harder on hers, his arm snaking around her waist, pressing her body towards his. He kissed her passionately, slipping his tongue inside her mouth. She wrapped her arms around his neck, slipping her fingers through his head. As she moaned softly against his lips, he took her keycard. He pressed her body with his against the door. She could feel him hard against her groins. Without releasing her, he fiddled with the keycard, pushing the door open. Inside the room, he pushed her back into the walls, his hand lifting up the hem of her dress, pushing her panties aside. His fingers found her clit, soaking wet with her juices. He pushed them inside her, causing her to moan out his name. Pulling them out, he brought them to his lips, licking them slowly while looking into her eyes. Watching her lips part in amazement, he put his fingers from his mouth into hers. As she closes her mouth around them, he kisses her hard, slowly pulling out his fingers.

Knock knock knock. He unbuckled his belt, pulling his shaft out of his jeans. He rubs his tip against her clit, teasing her. As he slowly slides inside her, pinning her arms over her head ...

Knock knock knock... Frustrated, Brianna slowly opens her eyes. "Fuck." she said as she realises she had been dreaming about Frankie. Her panties soaking wet, she could feel her juices sliding down her legs. She slowly walked to her door, forgetting to cover herself up in her robe, hair disheveled from sleep.

Standing at the door, the subject of her dreams, with two cups and a bag in hand.

"Frankie," she blushed.


Frankie stared at her. Her face flushed and hair wild around her face. "Why did I come here?" he thought. He really was going to try and just see her for dinner, but he spent the night thinking about being with her in that shower. How it would feel to be with her again, to be inside her. With the hot water hitting their bodies as he pushed her against the wall, with one leg raised over his arm. To have her calling out his name as he pushed his dick inside her. He wanted to take her and make her his. No amount of cold showers could remove all the things he wanted to do to her from his mind.

So, this morning he woke up early, went to the gym to remove some frustrations. He then found himself getting breakfast to bring to her room. He was no longer thinking straight. Logic had flown out the door the minute he laid eyes on her yesterday morning.

"Good morning," he smiled charmingly, "You said you were going to have a hectic morning today, so I thought I'd bring breakfast to you to help make things easier. Are you going to leave me standing at the door?"

His eyes ran down her body, her tanned skinned looking darker against the redness of her dress. His eyes trailed down to the the firmness of her breast, rising above her dress. For some reason, her face seemed flushed. "Focus focus," he willed himself, as he started thinking about grabbing her and making her ride him, with her leaning backward and her long hair flowing down her back.

Brianna stepped aside to let him, as she grabbed her gown from her chair.

"Had a good night's sleep?"

"I slept alright," she said, her face reddening.

She sat down across from him, crossing her legs tightly. His eyes shifted to her thighs, more exposed now with her legs crossed.

Clearing his throat, "Brie, can I be honest?"

"I really don't know what I'm doing here" he continued when she didn't answer. "After yesterday, I felt the need to see you. I didn't really sleep last night, thinking about you. If you tell me to leave now, I will." Holding his breath, hoping she will tell him to stay, at the same time praying she will tell him to leave.

"Frankie, I'm with Joseph. We have a child together. No matter what we think is happening here, nothing good will come out of it. Thank you for breakfast, but I think you should leave," she said quietly.

He slowly stood up, a small smile on his face. "I'll see you around Brie." He bent down, pausing ever so slightly, as he cupped her cheeks to lift her face. He saw her hold her breath, realising she is as affected by him just as much as he is by her, he placed a small kiss on her cheeks.

He leaned against her door as he stood in the corridor, thinking this is for the best. Nothing has happened. "Why are you lying to yourself," he thought. "So much has happened without anything happening. All those feelings you've been pushing away are back on the surface."

As he walked away, he didn't notice the door open slowly behind him. With his thoughts filled with images of her, he didn't realise she stood there and watched him walk away. He opened his hotel room door and disappeared inside.

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