i moving in a year

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"Hey Cole" I heard from a pretty voice knowing who it was. "Hey" I said nevesly walking away. "Where are you going?" "No where just to see ryen why" I said slowly turning around. "Well you've been really distant lately and you're only talking to Ethan. And I'm worried about you." She said worried "well I'm fine I-" I was cut off "no don't say your fine i can see right though you come on talk to me I thought you were my best friend" she said walking up to me. "You are I just need some space" I was never going to turn around I can't stand to see her face without wanting to melt into her arms. "You need space from you best friend" she scoffed at me "so what if I do ok" "wow when I need you all you do is push me away and I need to know why" she was crying at this point. "Because I'm falling in love with you that's why I can't stand to look at you without wanting to hug or kiss you and I just need to get though a year then I'm off to university ok" I was trying to hold back tears at this point. "I what to go with you to university ok cause I can't stand to be without you ok cole I learnd like you and I also want to melt in to your touch and kiss you all the time so please tell me why?" I turned around and place my lips in hers softly and we both melt into the kiss. Then she pulled us apart and smiled. I'm now 20 still in university with her I plan on proposing as soon as we graduate university in Britain.

(302 words)

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