why did you leave

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Ava and Cole and Cole's brother in-law were in the car getting some of Cole's friends Ben and April plus Cole's girlfriend Rosie. Cole was excited to see his closest friends and lover all he wanted to to was hang out with them all week and it was finally Friday and Cole's and Ava's mom agreed for Cole and his company to stay with Ave and her husband.

When the six got back to the apartment the married cupple went to thier room and the 4 friends were in the living room whatching movies and eating snacks by time it hit 2 am everyone was sleeping all for Rosie.

Little did anyone know Rosie was going to leave all of them behind and go back to her parents home in Tennessee she lived with her aunt and uncle but her parents got parental rights back. Rosie didn't want to leave but she had no choice and so she left a note and blocked all of her friends and Cole.

By time Cole woke up it was 11 am and Rosie was already gone on the plane to her hometown. When Cole read the note he couldn't help but cry and scream waking the whole house he didn't understand why she would do this. They had a great night and even before that dreadful night she seemed so happy but none of it could last. The whole house woke up to Cole's screams and crys for Rosie.

"Cole what the fuck is going on?" Ave was concerned for her little brother but he couldn't answer he was in a full blown panic attack.

"She's gone, she left me." Cole said between sobbs. He didn't know why thye were so happy together and then she just picks up and leaves with no trace.

As the years past he wondered what happened to Rosie if she was happy or even dead but he always hoped one day she'd come back to him and they'd be together again.

Omggg first chapter in sooo long I hope you guys like it alsooo tysmmm for 410 views like whattt I'm so happy right now but stay safe and healthy
-Elijah ♡♡

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06 ⏰

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