a dream

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Was that all it was a dream it never felt like a dream but I guess it was maybe everything was a dream did she really love me like I loved her no cole what are you thinking she has a girlfriend but God was she cute katie, katie was the one person I loved. I loved her more then I do myself. Does that make me crazy? Maybe, maybe not I guess we'll never know witch upsets me. The fact that I broke my number one rule and fell for my best friend. Now all I can do is think of her. I guess I am crazy, crazy for her. Her and her smile, laugh, eyes, body, and hair. God I am a simp a crazy simp. Maybe so crazy to murder to kill to do something so bad just to have her to myself


Sorry this was short I just thought to make a twist in this chapter thank u so much for 7 views ik that's not a lot but it's still ppl reading my work

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