is he ok

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Ok Cole you can do this no cares right just take the pills. I thought to myself as I put 20 pills in my mouth and took a big drink of water swallowing the pills. The next day I was saprised that I woke up. I was in the hospital doctors looking at me. "How long was I out" I said in a questioning tone. "Almost 4 days" the doctor said. "Can I have my phone. I need to call my mom?""yes you can" one of the doctors handed me my phone and most left. I called my mom and she got there in 5 minutes. I then texted my best friend. She was the reason I did this I coffesed my feeling for her and she practically turned me down didn't say anything. She was at school so he visited me afterwards. "God Cole what's wrong with you" she said with a frown. "Gess I thought I needed to die or something" I said with a small laugh. "No love your needed hear for me" she said as she sat on the bed next to me. Me and her have always been flurty with each other but I always meant what I said. "Well after you turned me down I guess I was""No you didn't give me a chance to respond I would have answered" she said looking towards me. "Ya what would have you said hm" I was slightly heart broken. "I would have said I loved you just as much as you love me. I'm sorry it took longer for me to respond I was just shocked ok babe" he was resting his head on my shoulder. "Really?" "Yes Cole I have loved you since 6th grade" wow 4 years I was shocked at this. But I looked at her and kissed her lips softly and she kissed me back.


Thank you for reading this one was not my best I didn't like it to much
(332 words)

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