horror movie

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Katie!" I scream across the house as I hear foot steps walking down stairs "wanna watch a movie" I ask looking at her "Sure why not" she says ploping down on to coach sitting right next to me "horror or anime" I ask going to Netflix "horror" she said "are you sure I know you don't really like horror" I said looking up at her. "I'll be fine your hear with me ok" katie looked at me with a smile. God her smile was so perfect, ugh why does she have to be so perfect. After I turned on the movie we sat there and watched some of it. On one of the jump scares katie shoved her head into my shoulder witch made me blush a little. "You ok there" I asked as she lifted her head up. "Well, I mean you hear so I don't need to be scared" she said in a flirty tone. "Katie stop" I said standing up. "Stop what?" "This, this thing your doing to me ok stop with the flirting the complaining just everything ok" "Cole what's wrong. We used to do this stuff all the time" she had shock in her voice. "I just can't do it anymore ok" I was crying now and Katie looked confused and concerned. "Why, what can't you do" " just everything ok. Just stop I can-" I was cut of by someone's lips on mine. " Hey no need to worry anymore ok." "Katie I think I'm in love with you" I said stepping back "I know" "what?" "Cole you are tarible at hiding you feeling and I know I feel something for you. Ok"

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