what gets fucked gets stronger

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TW: mentions of rape(Yes this did happen to me but I thought it would make good fluff:))

Today at school we were going to be talking about sexual assault witch was a tough subject for me since was happened in England when I was four. The memories are veg but none the less still there and very detailed.

"OK class this is Mr.alburt and he will be explaining what to do and what not to do when your being Sexualy assaulted." The teacher explained.

The lesson went on for about 45 minutes then the teacher brought up England and that a little girl was assaulted a few years back. Then the next thing I know I'm thinking of him.
After 5 minutes of trying my hardest not to cry but I did. I stormed out of class after being yelled for by both teachers. My best friend katie walks out to see why I stormed off. She saw me crying and ran up to me.

"Hey hey Cole it's OK I'm here your fine." She said God why did I have to feel this way.

"H-h-he was here Kat I saw him he was just looking at me with th-th-this smirk" I say hold on to her harder

"Hey he's not here ok, you're safe here." She tells me with sadness in her voice.

"Can we go?" I say sniffling

"Yes I'll tell the teacher what happend you go out to the car ok." Ahe tells me

I get up and walk out to the car in the driver's seat I wait for her for a good 5 minutes and I started to worrie I looked out the window and saw her running up to the car.

"Let's go." She said and I start driving off

When we get to my house we went up to my room and cuddled for the rest of the day.

Heyyy guys sorry I haven't published in awhile I've been really busy lately but enjoy this fluff 😊😊😊

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