truth or dare

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"OK Katie truth or dare" Ryan was quite drunk and slured most of that sentence "dare" Katie sat up straight and looked at me with a smile. "I dare you to kiss cole on the lips" Ryan said laying down. A blush grow on my face. Ryan knew I like Katie but she said she wouldn't tell anyone and now her drunken self is daring her to kiss my lips. Katie stayed still and looked at me with a smerk then started to crawl over to me. I could hardly breathe my heart was pounding as she got closer to me. Then before I knew it her lips Met mine softly. I pulled us apart but smiled at her. She was sitting in front of me blushing with a smile she tried to leave but I took her by the coler of her shirt and pulled her back to me then roughly placed my lips to hers. She grabbed my hair and pulled into the kiss without hesitation. Every one looked at us in shock but the only person I wanted to see was Clayton to see the look on their face I knew them and Katie were a thing but I could tell Katie wasn't happy. So this was my chance to prove to Clayton that Katie didn't want him no more

Thank you for reading I really like this one (234 words)

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