Chapter 2

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The morning had finally came and today was your first day of your job , you had already ironed your dress , prepared your bag with all the things you would need for the office.

You got up , checked your messages and the weather temperature and put your phone on charge and went to the washroom to get ready.

You had now gotten ready , you wore black knee length skirt with red shirt tucked inside along with a black heel.

Your makeup was the same as you did for the interview , you wore a small dial watch around your wrist on one hand and a pearl bracelet on the other.

You did a high ponytail , checked your oufit on the full Length mirror and went to eat breakfast.

You sat and had orange juice with some bread omelette. You also sprayed some fresh mint essence in your mouth to avoid bad smell and wished everyone and went.

You again arrived by the bus and made your way towards the entrance , you always liked to be punctual and so you were here at sharp 8:00 AM as your boss Mr. Kim had said.

The lady who you met yesterday came to you , "Good morning and nice to meet you here again , these documents you have to go through , just read them and sign at the end. This document has all the information of what work you will be doing here."

"Oh...ok sure I will read and sign it." You said and she motioned you to sit here in the reception sofa and read it.

You sat and began scrolling through the pages reading the instructions for your work. The first thing written was 1. Need to be punctual and have to be here everyday at sharp 8:00 AM. You kept on reading the points one by one.

2. No revealing clothes.
3. If you have to take holiday inform a day before.
4. If needed then have to come with me
To another city.
5. Whenever I am you have to be with me.
6. I can call you at my house related to work.

You kept on reading points as you went through different pages. Now you had understood that you were his Secretary because you had not asked anyone before , that what position you are in.

You were happy when you saw the amount you will be given but what you read made you uncomfortable but you had to do it if you had to prove yourself now.

By now you had read everything and were debating with yourself whether to sign or not. As you were thinking you saw Mr. Kim entering and coming to you.

You bowed and wished him good morning and so did he. "So miss have you read it and if yes did you signed the paper?"

You were not sure what to say "yes Mr. Kim I read it and I have to sign it actually."

"Oh ok so what have you decided , are you willing to do this job because it's your first job...and I don't think you can do it."

You were not happy hearing this and now you had to prove him that you could do this job. "Yes Mr. Kim I have decided I will do this job , I will sign it now." You said with full confidence.

And you picked up the pen laying beside and signed the paper and handed him. He smirked while taking the paper.

"Great then so your work starts now , Ms. Lee please give her my TO DO LIST of today and tomorrow as it's her first day and then she will make the list."

The lady beside you nodded and handed you the list which mentioned what Mr. Kim will do these two days.

"So you are my secretary , now you have to be with me always. And come follow me now , tell me what is in my TO DO LIST."

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