Chapter 19

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When Taehyung reached back home , it was lunch time so he decided that he will now talk to his parents about you.

So when Taehyung and his parents sat together. Taehyung initiated first.

"Mom and dad I want to talk to you about something."

"Yes Taehyung what happened?"

"Actually mom and dad there...There is a girl in my office. And we both love each other and want to get Married.

"And I didn't tell you for that I am sorry. But I went to her house today to talk to her parents."

And good news it is...That her parents want to meet you too to discuss our marriage date and all."

He said and looked at his parents in a hope that they will meet your parents.

"Taehyung... This much happened and you are telling now?"

"I'm sorry dad but I didn't knew what to do... I love her so much and didn't want to loose her. That is why I...I myself did all this."

His dad always listened to Taehyung. Always appreciating his thoughts and opinions.

He gave his position of job to his son and trusted him to handle the company properly. And he was doing it.

He knew his son never was in a girl before and was not interested in marriage. So seeing his son himself wanting to get married proved his father that his son knew what he is doing.

"Ok Taehyung... I know you are matured enough to know what you are doing.

And it's good that her parents agreed so we will meet them." His father said with a smile.

Hearing this he became so happy and thanked and hugged his parents. After dinner he texted you telling that his parents agreed too.

When you read that message you were happy and told your parents too. They decided that now both parents will meet this Saturday.

You and Taehyung were Happy that your parents agreed. You both knew what you both were doing.

The rest of the week was good. You and him attended meetings and did all the work.

Soon it was the meeting day where you will meet his parents first time. You were nervous but knew everything will be alright as his parents agreed to meet you and your parents.

So now you were walking with your parents , going towards Taehyung's table where he was sitting with his parents.

He was dressed in a peach coloured pant with a red knitted cardigan looking absolutely Handsome. And you were wearing a baby pink colored dress.

You reached their table and wished them 'hello and nice to meet you' while bowing to them.

His parents smiled at you and wished you and your parents too. You and your parents sat on the chair.

"You are so pretty dear , really Taehyung you have nice choice I must say." Said his mother smiling at you.

"Thank you ma'am , even you are really pretty." She smiled hearing you and blushed.

"Thank you , but hey don't call me ma'am we already like you. You call me mom ok?"

"Oh...Ok mom thank you." You said with a smile and looked at Taehyung seeing him smiling too.

Your parents were now talking to his parents having normal discussion. Food was already placed on the table.

As you were watching your parents looking happy. You felt something on your thigh.

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