Chapter 15

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You were in your room , you had already eaten dinner and took bath , and now you were casually scrolling through your social media.

While you were scrolling , you found Taehyung's ID. You smiled and sent him the request and within two minutes your request was accepted , and you also had received his request which you happily accepted.

You clicked his ID and saw what he posted. You were surprised to see that many of his posts included him being shirtless till his collar bone.

He was really a handsome man , his face really looked like someone has sculpted him.

"Y/n come here for a bit." Your mom called you , so you left your phone and went to her.

Taehyung POV

I took bath and was relaxing in my bed thinking about y/n , and then suddenly my phone vibrated.

I picked it up and saw I had gotten a request , I smiled and accepted the request , which was sent by y/n and sent her too which she accepted quickly.

I scrolled through her pictures and saw how pretty she looks. Her pictures were clean and nice.

Her pictures didn't include any vulgar dressing rather beautiful draped dress. Her features were really pretty and I felt so lucky that I finally confessed her. I scrolled and hit the like Button on her pictures.

Your POV

After I helped my mom regarding her work , I went back to my room and saw many notifications were there on my phone.

I picked up and unlocked my phone and saw that my pictures had been liked by none other than , Taehyung.

I kept my hand over my mouth and I was so happy. I also scrolled through his pics and hit the like button.

As I liked his pictures , I got a call from Taehyung , without wasting any time I accepted his call , stood and locked my door and sat on my bed.


"Hi y/n , how are you?"

"I am good thank you and what about you?"

"I am good too thanks"

"Umm...Did you had dinner?"

"Yes I did...And I really enjoyed it today. Ask me why?"


"Because I confessed to you right...So now I am feeling so happy and relaxed . That's why I enjoyed my dinner."

"Oh...That's great. I enjoyed my dinner too and the reason is same as yours." You said while smiling.

"You know whenever I close my eyes , there is something that plays in my mind back to back."

"What it is ?"

"My mind plays the kiss we shared , it plays the soft lips of your's moving against mine slowly and sensually." He said with a smirk.

"Oh...Umm.. I" You were shocked and flustered. You were trying to hold back your smile.

"What happened...Are you replaying our kiss right now in your mind? He said with a smile.

" What...N-no , I mean...I"

"Shhh... Relax baby I was messing with you."

"Oh...Messing with me." You said. You actually liked his teasing and wanted more.

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