Chapter 8

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The sun was shining brightly with birds chirping alongside. Taehyung was tired too that he had slept on the same bed with you.

You were still tired and your head still hurt. You opened your eyes adjusting to the light coming from the window.

When your eyes adjusted , you realised that it was not your hotel room. You looked to your side and was shocked to see Taehyung sleeping with you that too on the same bed.

You then quickly touched yourself to check whether you were wearing clothes or not. You released your breath after knowing you were in your clothes.

Your POV

As far as I remember , I was wearing a red dress then how come I am in my shorts and T-shirt?

You looked at Taehyung and thought 'Did he changed my clothes' and bacame shy but he can't , he is your boss you thought.

As you were still in your thoughts , you suddenly remembered that a person was misbehaving with you , and you saw Taehyung and after that every thing became blank.

'Does that mean th-that Mr. Kim saved me from that jerk and brought me here' you thought.

Taehyung POV

My sleep broke due to the movements made in bed. As I am a light sleeper , I wake up even with a slight movement.

I opened my eyes and saw Y/n sitting and was zoned out in her thoughts. I then realised what she must be thinking.

So I decided to tell her everything before she assumes anything false.

"Y/n you woke up , Good morning how are you feeling now."

You turned around and saw Mr. Kim looking at you with full concern in his eyes.

"Good morning Mr. Kim and yes I am feeling better , thanks."

You saw him humming and you released another breath and asked. " may I know why am I here?"

You saw him straightning himself and sat properly facing you.

"Listen , I don't know If you remember or not , but I came back to you but didn't found you. I tried calling you but it showed no I came at the corridor to call you.

There I heard some voice and when I reached , I saw it was you and a person misbehaving with you.

I removed him off you and saw you loosing balance and falling so I - um- carried you and brought you here.

Doctor told that you had overdose of alcohol and nervous breakdown that made you unconscious and gave you fever.

And there was nobody to take care of you here , so I decided to bring you with me and take care of you."

You hummed and listened to him attentively. You were now remembering what had happened. You were not angry at Taehyung that he brought you here without consent but he had changed your clothes made you a bit insecure.

"Um-Mr. Kim d-did you perhaps changed my clothes?"

You saw Taehyung was taken aback by your question , he coughed and took a deep breath.

"I am sorry but yes I had to , because you were uncomfortable and sweating but I promise I didn't see anything. I swear I didn't." He said in one breath.

His fast rambling made him look cute and you chuckled slightly.

"Don't worry Mr. Kim I trust you. Anyways thank you so much. You saved me from that jerk and then all of this , so thank you. I will be forever grateful to you."

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