Chapter 10

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The rest of the day went good. You had completed all your work on time , had lunch and again did your work.

Taehyung was busy today , he was in his cabin the entire time since he dropped Jin outside the office building and returned.

He didn't call you today as he calls daily for some work , like 'y/n please bring me a coffee' or 'what's next I have to do today' , instead he was in his cabin the whole time.

It was 5:00 PM now and Taehyung was still inside , so you decided to go inside and see whether he is fine or not.

You knocked at his door , but there was no response. So you twisted the door knob and went inside.

As you entered , you saw Taehyung's head resting on his hand which was on the table.

You saw all the papers were scattered around his desk , and a lot of files were lying around.

You smiled looking at his face. His lips were looking like a pout as it was pressed together on his hands.

You took a deep breath and sorted all the place. You kept the file on top of each other , and you were about to collect all the papers when you saw Taehyung waking up.

"Y/n you are here? What happened?"

"Yes , actually you didn't come out the whole day. You didn't even ate lunch so I came to check you."

"Oh...ok , well thanks a lot. I was so busy that I had to skip the lunch. By the way , I was searching for the file named 'BOARD MEMBERS RESUME' did you saw it somewhere?"

You were trying to remember , you had maybe seen that file while arranging them. You suddenly remembered that you saw the file , and turned around and took the file from the cabin and handed him the file.

He took the file from you with a small smile and "Thank you."

You smiled in returned and continued sorting the papers.

"Taehyung , I know you know this but you should take care of yourself. If you will skip your meals like that , due to work then it's not can effect your health."

You were saying this while your back was facing him , and you were arranging the papers and stacking it.

Taehyung looked up to you as you were saying this. He stood up , and came near you to take some files from there.

You didn't knew that he was behind you , so when you turned around to explain him further , you saw how close he was to you.

Your breath got stuck in your throat seeing him this close after you realised you like him.

"Why? Are you concerned about me. My last secretary was not like this , or Perhaps you like me?" He said with a smirk on his handsome face.

You didn't utter a word become you knew the latter part was correct. You avoided eye contact with him and that boosted his confidence and he came even more closer to you.

You were inching backwards while he was moving forward to you. Your back hit the files compartment , and he kept his both hands on either side of you caging you between his hands.

He brought his face closer to you , causing your nose to touch together. "Y/n you didn't answer me. Do you like me?"

He said and came more closer to you. You both were so close , that you could smell his Cologne strongly and that was making you loose your mind.

You didn't know what happened to you , when he inched closer to you and brought his hands at your waist and you didn't stop him.

As you didn't stop him , he became more confident and saw you closing your eyes. His , and your heart beat were hamming and finally he slightly brushed his lips to your's.

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