Chapter 6

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You reached the venue and got up from the car. As you were walking , you saw Taehyung walking with you instead of moving ahead.

He looked at you but didn't say anything and continued walking. You saw two guards standing at the front gate. Taehyung showed him something like a pass and the gaurds let you go.

As you entered , you saw so many people there. People had wine in their glasses ,
Slow and soft music playing behind. Ladies and gents dancing while drinking .

You had only seen these things in movies so you really admired the view in front of you.

Taehyung and you kept on walking till he stopped and met a person. He was his business partner and friend. They both talked for some time , while you just saw people what they were doing , later his friend glanced at you and bowed at you.

You bowed at him too and gave a light smile to him. "Wow Taehyung your girlfriend is really pretty." He said making you look at Mr. Kim.

You were shocked as Taehyung didn't told him the truth that you were just his employee. You gave him a glare but he ignored and continued talking.

After sometime a waiter came and offered drinks to you and Taehyung. He took champagne and you took a soft drink.

Seeing that Taehyung was busy talking , you went near the sitting area and sat there drinking your drink and watching your phone in between.

You were cut off when you saw Taehyung walking towards you. " why didn't you say the truth that I am just your employee?"

"Relax I didn't wanted him to be sad that is why?"

"Sad?....What sad. You should have said the truth and why would a truth make him sad?"

You noticed Taehyung sighing and sitting to the seat opposite to you. "He always saw me working and working. He was a playboy before but I was not.

He is now married and he wants me to get married too which I am not interested currently. I need more time to think about my marriage."

If he comes to know that I don't have any girlfriend he will tell my parents and they will force me to get married. That is why I didn't tell him anything."

"And I know it's not that you hated it , who would hate it actually if somebody gets a name tagged as my girlfriend."

You were little shy as you knew he was right. You didn't knew your feelings yourself but you had never been to any man this close before.

If you thought honestly you were getting into him and who wouldn't , he was rich handsome and smart in every thing.

Taehyung saw you looking down at the table and he smirked seeing your blushing face.

"Wh-what happened? Why are you looking me like that?"

He didn't say anything instead smiled a bit , before you could say anything his friend came to him and took him somewhere.

You took your phone back and began scrolling it. You were taking the soft drink sips in between but you didn't noticed that someone had poured something in it , while you were talking to Taehyung. And you , without knowing that kept on drinking it.


Your POV

I was feeling a bit dizzy and I could not watch phone properly , watching it was hitting my head like a hammer.

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