Chapter 7

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She was still in my lap in the car. Her head was resting on my chest while her legs were on the seat. Her hands were hanging on either side of me , because she was so tired and looked pale. So I gently placed her hands over her lap and kept my hands over her.

Taehyung and you reached the hotel and he had already talked with the hotel staff to contact a doctor.

You were still fainted and this scared Taehyung. He had never worried about anyone like you.

He carried you bridal style and went inside the hotel and to the hotel room. He took you to his room only.

He laid you on his bed and the doctor quickly checked you while he sat beside you.

His eyes roamed between you and the doctor. The doctor gave you an injection and checked you once again.

The doctor stood and Taehyung followed behind him.

"Doctor what happened to her? Is she fine , Is she alright?"

"Relax don't worry she is fine , actually she had drank alcohol more than her body could intake. On top of that , she had a nervous breakdown which made her weak and now it resulted to her having fever."

"Alcohol , nervous breakdown OH MY GOD but when will she wake up?"

"I gave her glucose injection and she will wake soon , and if not she will definitely wake up tomorrow morning. Just take care of her and check her temperature regularly."

"Ok sure doctor thank you."

Taehyung payed the doctor. He came back to check your temperature. He wondered why you took alcohol because when the waiter had earlier brought it in front of him , you had not taken it.

For now he decided to leave this topic. He will not leave the man who misbehaved with you. He will check the security cameras and will report that man to the police.


Taehyung saw that you were sweating. You were still in your party wear clothes and now he wondered , how to make you comfortable in your clothes.

Firstly he changed his clothes and decided to change your clothes. He opened your suitcase murmuring a "sorry" to you for opening your bag and to change your clothes , without your permission.

As he opened , he saw some formal clothes , makeup and other things. He searched here and there digging his hands in between and found some small cloth , thinking it's a t-shirt sandwiched between some clothes.

He pulled the small cloth and realised that it was not a T-shirt , but a peach coloured bra. His face became red and he immediately kept it back and searched again but carefully.

He found a t-shirt and matching shorts with it and decided to make you wear it.
He took a deep breath and came towards you.

He carefully placed a hand on your back and made you sit , your back rested on the pillow for support.

He searched how to open your dress and found a zip behind your back. He placed your hairs on your one shoulder. He made your head rest on his shoulder , while he unzipped your dress.

He pulled down the zipper and again made your back rest on the wall. He removed the straps of your dress from both your shoulders , and looked up at the ceiling while removing your dress down till your navel , and finally removed your whole dress.

He now had to remove your bra because he knew girls didn't liked to wear bra while sleeping. Of course he knew , he also saw movies.

He again put your head on his shoulder and snaked his hands behind your back , Unhooking the bra strap. It took him some time to unhook it as it was it's first time.

As he unhooked your bra he slided the straps from your shoulders while looking at the fan above finding it attractive. He held the bra in his hands and kept it aside.

Taehyung didn't knew that you were slightly awake and you knew that he was changing your clothes. You could have stopped him , but you were weak because of your fever and didn't stopped him.

He took the t-shirt in his hands and placed it to your head pulling it down till your neck area. He closed his eyes and held your hands to make you wear the t-shirt and pulled it down finally and opened his eyes.

He layed you down and took the shorts and made you wear it. While making you wear it , he saw your soft caramel smooth legs and immediately threw his dirty thoughts before he lost control.

After finally making you comfortable in your clothes , he checked your temperature finding it still hot. He saw your sweat a little less on you. But your forehead was hot.

He took a small towel from the cabin and wetted the cloth and put on your forehead. He kept the towel for two minutes from the one side , and then repeated it from the other side.

He kept on doing this , till your forehead became cool. After some time you became comfortable and your forehead became cool too.

He had never done anything like this to anyone except his family. But doing this to you didn't felt like a responsibility to him.

Seeing you relaxed , he kept the towel back and put the blanket a little bit more on top of your chest so that you won't catch cold.

The bed was a bit big so he was thinking to sleep with you on the same bed or not. He was tired too as it was 12:00 AM already. He thought to sleep beside you , Deciding that he will wake up before you so you feel Comfortable.

As he slept beside you , he felt so different but in a good way. He faced you and the earlier scenes played in front of his eyes.

He realised that he had to keep you safe. When he saw the tears in your eyes he realised what place you took in his heart.

He never loved anyone but you were different. He wanted to be with you. He realised how afraid he became when he was with you in the car.

He saw how pale and helpless you looked in his arms. He felt a satisfaction seeing you alright.

He never had a girlfriend before , he liked working more so that he could live with his wife in the future peacefully.

He knew his heart was doing something to him and he wanted that , but only if you were the reason for it.

He still didn't understand himself that whether he was falling in love with you or was this his only liking for you.

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