Billy x Spencer

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Highway to Homo


Billy and Spencer go on a road trip and ofc shit happens.

Shit always happens.

So I guess this is my contribution to the DTMG fandom... I'm sorry if people want to beat me up after reading it i don't even know what I'm doing anymore.

This was originally posted on my writing blog ( ) six thousand years ago.
Work Text:
The sky had only just begun to grey, the forming storm clouds over head leaving a bitter sweet moistness in the air, pleasantly tangy to the taste. Just the weather itself was like an adrenaline rush, though mixed with the apocalyptic landscape it became somewhat more of a dangerously addictive drug. Spencer had always had a rather strange affinity for end of the word type scenes, although he'd quite appreciate keeping that particular interest behind the walls of cinematic appeal. Being in that sort of predicament in reality probably wouldn't be so favourable.

Brown hues rolled to the side, taking in the appearance of the dark haired rockstar in the driver's seat, singing along and tapping his fingers against the steering-wheel in time with the beat of his own song playing on the radio.  Any other day Spencer might have taken a sharp stick and prodded at his cousin's self-centred egotistic mindset, but today was not one of those days. Mainly because it was Billy that opted to take time out of his extremely busy schedule to go on a road trip with him, and he didn't really fancy the idea of being left on the side of the road in the middle of nowhere on a highway he can't even remember the name of for upsetting the guy.  His trail of thought was brought to a screeching halt though, as he realized he'd been staring for quite a while now and not only that but there were a pair of equally dark eyes looking back at him.

"Aw, having trouble taking your eyes of my gorgeous self, Spence?" Billy teased as his pink lips twitched up into a playful smirk. His attention remained trained on Spencer for a solid minute before he allowed his eyes to flick back to the road, making sure he was still driving in a perfectly straight line.  It's not like he really needed to be one-hundred percent road safe anyway as they were the only car for miles. Highways were officially the most awesome things ever.

Spencer's face went about fifty shades of red as he quickly turned away from his friend, creating a crink in his neck in the process and cringing from the short pinching pain.

"Shut up I wasn't looking at you, I was just..." He paused for a second, thinking over some form of decent cover up. None were coming to mind, thus he settled for the blatantly obvious.

"...Spaced out is all." Spencer wanted to throw himself out of the car for letting something that lamesauce flow from his idiotic mouth. He really needed to work on being more creative.

"I'm hurt. Here I was thinking I was being admired. Consider my heart broken" Billy feigned sadness, gripping at his chest with one hand to make the act more dramatic. He couldn't keep it up for long though, a wide grin cutting across his face as he turned to Spencer again.

"You brought your camera right, Bromigo?"

The look on Spencer's face was a little more than confused as he slowly looked back to Billy, eyeing him carefully. What on earth was he up to now? You could practically see the gears turning behind that thick skull of his with whatever plan he was cooking up.

"Yeah... Why?"

"Thought we could take some rad pictures for memories sake" With the tone of the elder males voice, you could practically see the undertones of a catch dripping off of him.

"What's the catch?" Spencer replied with an eyebrow raised and a slight questioning squint.

Billy visibly tensed, obviously not have been expecting to be questioned. He sunk a little into his seat and began chewing at his bottom lip with whitened his teeth.

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