Chapter 40

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~ Ryder's P.O.V ~

"You need to choose, me or them." Once those words left Michael's lips my mouth fell open. What does he mean I have to choose between him and the other guys that I love.

"How do you expect me to choose? I love you all so much but you expect me to just drop Calum and Zayn? You're so selfish" I said as my eyes started to fill with tears at thought of losing the guys I love.

"I'm selfish? You're fucking selfish. You ran away with Calum even though you knew how much I loved you. If me wanting to be the only guy you want and love makes me selfish then so be it because I can't keep seeing you happy with someone else." Michael took a deep breath trying to calm himself down before speaking again. "They gotta go or I'm gonna leave." Michael said with a clenched jaw. I took a deep breath before speaking

"I need some space to think." I said as tears dropped down my face. I pushed pass Michael and went down stairs and went outside. I took a deep breath as I placed my head in my hands.

"You okay?" I jumped at the sound of someone's voice. I look over to where the voice came from to see Liam leaning against the wall smoking. I quickly wiped away my tears before speaking.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I whispered looking down at my feet. Liam started walking towards me until he was directly in front of me and lifted up my chin so I was looking directly in his eyes.

"You don't have to lie to me. I'm here for you, just tell me what's wrong." He said pulling me into a hug. I started to cry against his chest as he slowly stroked my hair. "Ssh, it's going to be okay. Just tell me what's wrong." He said kissing my temple

"What isn't wrong? I'm pregnant with Ashton's fucking baby, everyone's against me giving it up for adoption, I lost my son, and now Michael wants me to choose between him, Zayn, and Calum." I said hugging Liam tighter.

"If you want to give the child up you should do it, don't let what other people want effect your decision. Who do you care about more? Who can you see yourself being with for a long time?" He asked sitting down on the rocking chair and pulling me down on top of him.

"I know what I'm about to say is going to make me seem like a terrible person but I see myself being with all of them." I said pulling back from the hug so I was looking in his eyes.

"What do you mean? Do you mean that you can see yourself with all of them individually or that you can see yourself being with all of them at the same time?" Liam asked moving the hair out of my face.

"I can see myself with all of them at the same time." I said looking down and biting my lip. Liam sighed before pulling my chin up so I was looking in his eyes as he spoke.

"Do you want my honest opinion?" I nodded signaling for him to continue. "Don't be with any of them. From the things that I've heard and seen it doesn't seem like you're looking for a committed relationship. You like the idea of being loved and loving someone back but, you don't like the idea of being with one person for the rest of your life. You expect a guy to be completely committed to you when you can't return the favor. It's really simple, you just can't commit." Liam said truthfully causing my heart to clench. Maybe he's right, maybe I can't commit.

"But I don't want to leave them, I love them so much that I can't choose between them." I honestly stated.

"That's unfair to them and your children. Think about the fact that you will be showing your children that being with more than one person at a time is okay. Do what you think is right but remember that Calum loves you and has been there for you when Michael hurt you. Yes Calum made some mistakes but he didn't mean to. If you left him that would break him. Also think about the fact that Michael hurt you repeatedly and is part of the reason that you lost Adam. Michael might love you but he will end up hurting you again and again. Zayn is a great guy but think about all the things you'd be getting yourself into if you end up with him." Liam said

"I don't know what to do, I'm so conf...." Before I could finish my sentence Michael came outside

"I gave you enough time." He firmly stated as he extended his hand for me to grab. I put my hand in his and he pulled me off Liam's lap and into the house were the guys, Calum, Zayn, Eliana, and the red head that I know as ed were waiting. Liam followed behind us and took a seat next to Niall who was talking to Eliana.

"You don't have to choose now. You just lost your son, you can take time to grieve before you make any irrational decisions." Zayn said causing Calum and Michael to give him a death glare

"Yes she does." Michael said causing me to bite down on my bottom lip as I ran my hand through my hair.

"I choose....."


Hey, I'm having trouble deciding who Ryder should be with. Please comment your opinion on who Ryder should stay with :D

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