Chapter 4

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My eyes widened in shock and Calum gave me a look of pity before speaking.

"That's why I didn't tell you. I didn't want to scare you."He said pulling me into a hug.

"I'm going with Michael."I whispered in Calum's ear as tears ran down my face. Calum pulled away and looked at me as if I was crazy.

"No you are not. You are staying with me, I can't lose you. You and the kids are all that matters to me. If Michael really wants a fight then he will get one. I already informed the guys and they are ready. Once we get home we have a meeting with Michael and Ashton. And that will be the last we'll see of them. I love you and I will not let anyone break up our family." Calum firmly stated. I leaned forward and placed a passionate kiss to Calum's lips. After a second the kiss started to get more passionate until a voice caught our attention.

"You're coming home?" Niall said excitedly. I pulled away and smiled at Niall before nodding.

"Yeah." He immediately ran over to me pushing Calum out the way before pulling me into a hug.

"Thank God, no one in that house knows how to cook and it was way too quiet. I missed you so much" Niall said hugging me tighter.

"How come most of our conversations involve food?" I ask lightly giggling.

"Because that's how our friendship works and because you are the best cook I know." He said kissing my forehead. Louis walked over and gave me a kiss to the cheek before speaking.

"I guess you're leaving."He said with a pouty face. I kissed his cheek before speaking.

"Yeah but you can come over later." I said and he smiled.


We finally arrived home and I was so anxious. I was running the balm of my hands on my pants trying to remove the sweat and nibbled on my lip causing blood to come out. Michael was suppose to be here any minute. I told the children to wait in the room until Calum came to get them so that they wouldn't have to see Michael and Ashton.

I slightly jump at the sound of a knock on the door. Calum walked up to me and kissed my temple before signaling for Luke to open the door. Luke did as told and in walked Michael with smirk on his face and Ashton who just glared at me.

"Hopefully you're smart Calum." Michael said before taking a seat in front of me. Ashton took a seat near Michael and I caught a glimpse of his gun and i slightly panicked. Luckily before they got here Calum gave me a gun and told Niall and Liam to hide and if something goes wrong to shoot.

"So what is your decision?" Ashton asked.

"I'm not giving her to you." Calum said threw clenched teeth.

"Wrong decision." Michael smirked. Before I knew it the front door was kicked open and two guys came in. One had black hair and tan skin and the other had curly brown hair and green eyes. They were both holding guns and pointed them at Calum, Luke, and I. Ashton grabbed onto my wrist and I immediately pulled out my gun and pointed it to his head.

"Let go or I'll shoot" I said. Michael smirked before speaking.

"I love this new temper of yours, it's fucking hot." He said biting his lip. Before anyone could respond Dylan came running out of the room.

"What was that noise?" She said. Her eyes caught sight of the guns and she immediately whimpered before speaking again "Daddy, I'm scared." She said frowning. My heart started to ache at the fact that we were scaring her.

"Come here sweetheart." Michael said. Dylan immediately ran to Calum and hugged him tightly

"Who is that scary man daddy." She said with fear clear in her voice. Michael gave her a completely broken look and Calum smirked at him before speaking

"No one baby." He leaned down and kissed her forehead. Michael was about to pull out a gun when Niall, Liam and Eliana came out and pointed their guns at Ashton, Michael, and the two strangers.

"Go in your room sweetheart." I said as calm as possible. She nodded and was about to go to her room when she caught a glimpse of the guys standing in front of the door.

"Mommy, that's my friend Harry." She said smiling pointing to the curly haired guy. The guy smirked before speaking.

"Hey darling. Come here and give me a hug." She nodded and was about to walk over to him but I spoke.

"Baby stay with daddy." I said softly.

"But mommy I want to say hi to my friend." She pouted and started walking forward.

"If you take one more Damn step I will blow his motherfucking brains out." I yelled and she stopped in her tracks. I didn't mean to be so angry and threaten my daughter but I didn't want her to get hurt. Tears started running down her face as she ran back to Calum. He picked her up with one hand and kept his gun pointed at Michael in his other hand.

"Damn Michael you didn't tell us she was this feisty." The black haired one said biting his lip.

"Shut the Fuck up Zayn." Michael hissed.

"Can we just kill them? I'm hungry." Niall said. I nodded before speaking.

"Yeah let's get this shit over with."i said I was about to pull the trigger when I heard Michael let out a small whimper. I looked over and saw tears rolling down his face. "What the Fuck are you crying about?" I asked kind of shocked that he's crying. Now that I look closely at him I noticed that he has an eyebrow piercing. Damn that's hot. STOP IT Ryder you are married and he just threatened to kill your family.

"She doesn't even know who I am and she's Calling Calum daddy. She's my fucking daughter not his." He put down his gun and before I knew it Michael charged at Calum and started punching him causing him to have to quickly place Dylan on her feet before he dropped her. Ashton charged at Liam while Harry charge at Luke and Zayn charged at Niall. Eliana and I stood there completely shocked. Is it wrong to find this hot?

Calum flipped Michael over and started to punch him relentlessly causing multiple bones to crack. I looked over at Liam who was having a really difficult fight with Ashton, they were almost the same size so it was basically a tie. Harry was on top of Luke punching him but Eliana quickly ran over and gave Harry a hard kick to the ribs causing him to let out pained yelp which gave Luke the perfect opportunity to flip him over and start punching. I looked over at Niall who was struggling. Zayn was on top and punched him repeatedly causing blood to come out of Niall's nose. I quickly walked over to them and kicked Zayn in the face causing his nose to break. He glared at me before rising to his feet leaving Niall on the floor. He pushed me against the wall Before speaking.

"You're gonna pay for that you little Bitch." He was about to hit me but honey (My German Shepard) came running and bit down on his leg causing him to yell out in pain as she started yanking on his legs. I couldn't take the sound of Dylan crying and the boys fighting any longer.

"Fucking stop it. I am 6 months pregnant and you assholes are fighting. I don't need this Goddamn stress right now." I yelled. Everyone stopped fighting and slowly stood to their feet. Everyone was covered in blood and had ripped clothing. Michael looked at Dylan with pain in his eyes before looking at me. He slowly walked towards me and I quickly pulled out my gun. He raised his hands signaling that he surrendered but he continued walking forward until his head was pressed against the barrel of my gun.

"I would like to make a deal."

No where to hide (SEQUEL TO POSSESSIVE) (Punk Michael Clifford fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now