Chapter 58

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I'd like to dedicate this chaper to _ashleystylesx, Cliffoconda_is_mine, HEMMINGS1213, and Calums_Buttcheek for making some of the most amazing covers I've ever seen. I hope you all like the ending and read 'Betrayal'

~ Ryder's P.O.V ~

I let out a sigh. I was currently laying in bed with Michael as he slowly ran his hand through my wildly curly hair. Being in this bed with him made me realize something that I never could admit before. He's the one I love, the one I was meant to be with. Even though we've been through a lot and had our fights we always ended up together. Yes he's hurt me both emotionally and physically but I hurt him too but the difference between him hurting me and me hurting him is that when he hurt me it mad me stronger when I hurt him it made him weaker. He's not the same man I met when I was 18. he's not hurting me anymore, he's helping me become who I was always meant to be.

If Michael never entered my life I wonder where I'd be. I probably would have graduated college and went on to become a psychologist. I probably wouldn't have six kids and the family that I have now. I'm happy he kidnapped me because if he didn't I would have never know what it was like to have a family that cares about you, yeah I'm not related to the guys but they are like family to me and I wouldn't give them up for anything.

My train of thought was interrupted by Michael speaking.

"What are you thinking about?" He kissed my palm

"I was thinking about us." Michael raised an eyebrow

"What about us?" He pulled me close

"Do you remember right before I ran away when you proposed to me? At the time I never thought I would be laying here in bed with you ever again wonder what our lives would have been like if I stayed, if I said yes." I gently stroked his cheek

"What are you trying to say?" He gave me a slightly panicked look before pulling me close as if I was going to run

"I'm trying to say I love you. I didn't know it then but" I took a deep breath "I want to marry you" Michael's eyes looked as if they were going to bulge out of their sockets.

"But you can't , you married calum? Remember? " his tone was laced with venom

"I know that but you and I both know me and his relationship hasn't been the same since I walked in on him almost having sex with eliana. I love you and only you." I kissed his lips. Michael lightly pushed me away as he let out a sigh before running his hands through his hair.

"You don't have to lie Ryder, I know you still love him. You might not know it but I do." I let out a sigh before speaking

"What do I have to do to show you how much I love you?" The crooked smile that grew on Michael's face made it clear that I was going to regret every word that just left my mouth.

~ Luke's P.O.V ~

" Listen Eliana, I can't keep on giving you the benefit of the doubt and hoping you will change because you and I both know you won't. The fact that you feel like it okay to cheat on me but get mad if I cheat on you is a double fucking standard. I'm done with you shit. I thought I would be hurt letting you go but I've never felt more relieved. I'm divorcing you and filing for custody of Austin and James." I could hear Eliana crying on the other end of the line but I could careless, she's finally feeling the pain I've felt for all the years she's cheated on me.

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