Chapter 26

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    ~ Ryder's P.O.V ~

      Eliana has been in a coma for a little over a week now. I can't stand not seeing her every day. I don't leave my room and I barely eat. Michael and Calum take turns watching me while Zayn and Ashton bring me food. Liam and Harry take care of the children since everyone is either upset and won't leave their room or are trying to make me feel better. Luke and Niall avoid each other and don't speak because every time they speak they end up fighting.

       I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't notice Michael was speaking until he snapped his fingers. I raised an eyebrow, signaling for him to speak

    "The children are speaking to you." I slowly sat up.

      "When is auntie Eli coming home? We made her a Christmas gift." Adam asked causing me to frown.

       "Auntie Eli is really tired honey. I don't know when she's going to wake up." I said running my hand through my hair.

        "Why don't you wake her up?" Dylan asked raising an eyebrow. Damn these kids ask so many fucking questions.

     "I've tried sweetheart, she's not ready to wake up." I let out a sigh as a tear rolled down my cheek. Michael quickly wiped it away before kissing my temple and whispering in my ear

      'Please don't cry kitten' London started to frown.

       "Than how are we going to give her the gift?" London asked

      "I'll bring you guys to see her on Christmas." I said letting out a sigh. They jumped up and down excitedly

         "Yay, thank you mommy" they said in unison. I gave them a small smile.

        "You're welcome. Now go and play." I said laying back down in the bed and wrapping myself in the sheets.

     "Mommy?" I let out a sigh before speaking

       "Yes?" Michael started to rub my back.

          "Can we lay with you?" I lifted up the sheet, signaling for them to climb in. Dylan quickly climbed between me and Michael and hugged us both causing us both to let out a small chuckle. London laid next to Dylan and I while Adam stayed on my opposite side and hugged me.

      "Mommy?" Adam looked up so we were making eye contact

        "Yeah?" I moved his hair out his face, I should probably take him to get a hair cut.

      "Why are you sad?" I let out a sigh before speaking.

        "I think I'm on Santa's naughty list." I can't tell him the real reason I'm sad. I don't want them to know what happened to Eliana. All the children gasped at what I said

         "You are the best mommy ever, Santa can't put you on the naughty list." Adam said hugging me causing me and Michael to chuckle.

      "Thank you honey. I bet Santa is going to give you so many presents." They all let out an excited squeal. Michael leaned over and kissed my lips causing the kids to let out little giggles.


      I was currently home alone with Ashton as the guys picked up presents for the kids and took them out for ice cream and to the zoo. I was currently making a sandwich when I felt someone's hands on my waist. I was turned around so I was facing Ashton. He gave me a small smirk before speaking.

        "I missed you." I took a bite of my sandwich before speaking

         "We live in the same house." I said before getting out of his grip and walking into the living room to watch ridiculousness. He sat down beside me before speaking.

       "We need to talk about us." He said with a small smile causing me to raise an eyebrow.

       "We're friends, there is nothing more to talk about." I said taking a big bite of my sandwich.

          "We both know that we are more than friends." He said placing his hand on my thigh. I let out a sigh before speaking

      "No we're not. I don't know what make you think that we are but we're not." I said as nice as I could.

        "You don't know what makes me think this? Well how about the fact that we fucked twice and I've gone down on you twice. I didn't know friends did that to each other." He said matter of factly.

        "We fucked 5 years ago. I don't mean to seem like a Bitch but if you haven't notice every time we have sex or you go down on me it's because I'm either very angry at someone or I'm really sad. I'm sorry if I led you on and made you think we are something that we're not." I said causing Ashton to let out a growl.

        "You're lying. You love me, you told me you loved me." He shook his head in disbelief

        "That was when I wasn't sure what I wanted or who I wanted. I care about you but not in the way you think I do." I said. Ashton stood to his feet before stomping to his room like a child causing me to roll my eyes at his childish behavior.

    I feel bad that I led him on but I didn't mean to. I get it if he hates me, I would hate me too. I continued eating my sandwich and laughing at the things that happened on ridiculousness that I didn't notice Ashton had come back out of his room. He sat down beside me with out saying a word. I ignored his presence as I continued to watch T.V. I felt a sharp pain in my neck causing me to wince and look to see what was the cause of the pain. My eyes grew wide when I saw Ashton had jabbed a needle in my neck.

       I tried to push him off but my body instantly became weak. I mumbled incoherent words trying to get him to get away from me. Ashton pulled the syringe out and through it across the room. Ashton grabbed onto my shorts and started to pull them down. I tried to fight back, I tried to scream but it was useless. I was stuck in this house with a psychopath.

       Ashton started to rip my panties off causing tears to come rushing down my face. He quickly pulled my shirt off of me so I was completely exposed. Ashton's hands started feeling all over my body causing me to cry harder. He quickly removed his clothes before lining up with my entrance.

    "Ashton, please don't." I mumbled As he pushed in. I felt my eyelids started to get heavy and slowly close.

        'Sweet dreams' I heard as I fell unconscious

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