Chapter 27

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     ~ Ryder's P.O.V ~

     I woke up with a pounding headache. Memories of what happened came piling into my head causing tears to fill my eyes. I can't believe Ashton did that to me.

       "God please let that be a dream. Please let it be a sick and twisted dream." I said trying to blink away the tears. I threw the sheets that were covering me off my body, revealing my naked body causing me to cry harder. As I went to stand up pain shot through me causing me to fall to my knees. I bit my lip to prevent myself from crying out in pain.

      I grabbed a discarded shirt from the floor and pulled it over my head before crawling towards the door. I slowly opened it and headed towards my room to get my gun. A voice coming from behind me caused me to stop in my tracks.

        "Where do you think you're going?" I heard Ashton say. I would have tried to jump to my feet and run but they were in so much pain that I knew if I tried I would just fall to my knees again. I started to crawl faster but Ashton grabbed onto my hair and pulled me back causing me to let out a small yelp. Ashton started to  pull me towards the living room. He picked me up and threw me on the chair causing me to have to bite my lip to keep from screaming in pain

       "Please leave me alone. What in the hell did I do to deserve this?" I asked as Ashton sat down across from me.

      "You lied." He simply said as he shrugged his shoulders.

         "So you drug me and raped me?" I said as tears ran down my face. Ashton stood to his feet and wiped away my tears causing me to flinch away from him.

     "Don't think of it as rape....... think of it as me making love to you." He said with a smile as he traced his thumb over my jaw. For the first time in my life I realized just how fucking crazy Ashton is.

        "Ashton I'm going to tell Calum and when I do he is going to kill you." I threatened causing Ashton's smile to drop. He roughly grabbed my jaw as his eyes grew dark.

       "No you won't. Do you wanna know why?" He had a sinister smirk on his face as he spoke again. "Because if you do I will kill your children." My eyes widened

        "Ashton please don't bring them into this, they are innocent. They did nothing to you Ashton." I said trying to convince him not to harm my babies.

      "Let's make a deal?" He said before kissing my neck. "When ever I want you, you have to give yourself to me without hesitation and you can't tell anyone. If you do what I tell you no one will get hurt. Do we have a deal?"

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