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Dalia's POV

"Murderer of two..." Someone mumbled as I walked past them.

I almost punched her in the face. If Lottie wasn't there, I would have lost my mind.

It's been 6 months since Dalton disappeared, 1 month since Dally disappeared. Daltons graduation is in three months and a part of me hopes that he'll come back for it.

People now seem to think I murdered both of them. I don't know why. Some people just like to make other people miserable.

"I don't know why you aren't sick of me yet. I mean, apparently I'm some murderer now." I said with a playful eye roll.

Lottie laughed. "I know you aren't. Plus, the fuzz already questioned ya. They would have figured out if it was you by now." Lottie said with a wink.

I laughed. "Yeah, if only they really did figure it out." I said with a sigh.

"I know, Dee, but hey, we've got forever to find them. They're tough. I'm sure they're alright."

"It's been months..." I mumbled.

"Since you murdered your brothers?" A voice added. "We know."

I turned around to see Mariah and her friends behind her like she was some celebrity. "Why are you doing this to me? Really? You really think I would stoop so low as to murder my family?" I mumbled.

"You know how some psychopaths are. You're messed up enough." She said with a grin.

"Dalia, don't." Lottie mumbled.

"Watch your mouth." I said, getting up in Mariah's face to try and intimidate her. Dallas looked more intimidating than Dalton which wasn't really helpful for me now that I need to look intimidating and I look like Dalton.

But I was tough for a girl. This bitch better not cross me.

"Or... what...?" She said stringing out her words.

It took me a second to react. Part of me thought to just let it go. Ignore her. Let a bitch me a bitch.

But I was also a bitch.

I punched her hard across the face and she stumbled back a bit with a gasp. She threw her backpack down and I did the same.

She shoved me into the lockers and slammed my forehead against one of the locks. I groaned and tried to switch us around.

She was tougher than she looks.

But I wasn't about to loose to her.

I grabbed her leg and pulled it towards me, causing her to fall onto her ass. I pushed her around into her stomach and grabbed her arm, bending it backwards until I couldn't anymore. I didn't wanna break it but I would if I needed to.

I twisted her wrist until I couldn't anymore. She winced and pulled back, somehow. She kicked me in the face with her stupid heel and I felt blood fall out of my mouth.

I groaned out of pain and pressed her against the lockers. By now, people were forming around us. Some yelling my name, some yelling Mariah's, some just chanting.

But I was determined to take her down.

I slammed her head into the locker the same she did with mine until she punched her fist into my rib. I've bruised a rib before and I'm pretty sure she bruised it again.

I had one more thing to use against her. I was gonna power kick her across the face to knock her out. Works every time. I backed up to regain my balance and throw another punch to make her loose focus before I could knock her out.

At least I planned to.

As I went to swing once more before I was about to finish it, I felt someone grab my waste and pull me back. "DALIA! DALIA!" They yelled.

I was still at her. I kept trying to lunge towards her, but whoever had a grip on me was strong.

Some senior grabbed Mariah and tried to help her stand up straight. I got her good.

It felt like my brain was pounding out of my head. My rib hurt, too.

I kept struggling to fight back against her but the person who was holding onto me grabbed my waste tighter and turned me around.

They grabbed my face and looked me dead in the eye.

Was that Dallas?

My vision was blurred from blood gushing out from my head and I still had blood pouring out of my mouth.

"DALIA! WHAT THE HELL?" He yelled.

Yep. It was Dallas. I was in shock but I was too distracted to do anything.

"DALIA?" He yelled and asked.

"Dallas?" I asked, loosing focus.

"What the hell are you doing?" He asked.

"Fuck off! Fuck... you..." I drawled.

The bell rang and people started to trail out, except for Mariah and the senior helping her up and Dallas and I.

"Dalia, come on. We're going home."

"No... I'm fine. I just need a second!" I yelled.

"You're not find. You've got a pretty bad cut on your forehead." He said putting his thumb on it.

I groaned out of pain. Her heel hitting my mouth hurt more than my head getting slammed against the corner of a lock on a locked, if I was being honest. But I didn't feel like admitting that to Dally.

"Come on. Stand up."

"I am...!" I tried to yell. But I think it only came out in a whisper.

My vision was still blurry and I couldn't stand up straight.

"God dammit..." Dallas mumbled.

I wasn't sure why he was swearing until I felt a fluid rise in my stomach. I wondered how he knew before me that I was gonna throw up. It must have been on my face.

I ran over to the trash can and threw up for a solid three minutes, at least.

But I didn't remember much because I passed out right after.

I didn't regain consciousness until it was dark out. I was on a couch. I barely opened my eyes before I heard someone starting to yell at me.

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