chapter 6 ~Unraveling fresh wounds.

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I began pacing in my room. Oh my god how could he do that. Infront of the whole pack. That idiot. Im going to kill him. If he wants to play with fire, that son of a bitch is going to get burned. Obviously he felt so good in me and got me wondering how far I cou...'Stop it river. Stop thinking like that he may be you're mate. But he is the alpha. Some respect would be nice for the guy that is giving you shelter.' My wolf scowled. I rolled my eyes and shut her our before she can say that. Oh this bitch is get it. I am by far the biggest pervert, and it would be horrible to let go of this opportunity. I dont exactly know what to do so im just going to go with the flow. I need my fucking beauty sleep.

~Next day~
I woke up crying, ha. Just like everyday since the day. I had disapeared from the pack. People though I went on vacation or something stupid like that. I didnt though. I was kidnapped by the blood moon pack because of something to do with...derek. I was raped multiple times daily for 2 months. And I was beated and bruised. And all of this was in front of my boyfriend. Well ex-boyfriend. I gave up crying at that point. There was no hope. None. Zilch. After the two months were over they taped derek saying awful things about me.


Derek smirked and chuckles at me through the camera. He looks staight to the lense and says

"You know your worthless right. You never ment anything to anyways. You were always a slut. I woulsnt be surprised if you were carrying a child right now. Everytime you wiuld get beaten it would spark something in me. But it wouldnt be guilt or pity. It would be happyness. I never loved you. Why do you think your parents died. They purposely killed themselves to get away from you horrible self. Your just nothing. Everythjng I have done to you in the past and now that I get to watch everything happen to you makes me sad. Not because I was watching. But because I didnt get a chance to do it myself. Your my fuck bag you know that. God knows why I stuck around. You were just a broken girl I had no intentions of fixing. You should just kill yourself already. Your worth dirt. Do you ever wonder why your pack hasnt came after you. Maybe the fact that they hate you. I dont even understand the reason im wasting my breath on you. But the one thing I have to say is fuck you I hope you have the worst life."

By the end of his speech I was crying out a river. I was so hurt, vulnerable, and scared. "Why derek after everything we've been through. Why are you walking away from me. I know this is hurting you." A large escaped sob came out from my mouth.

He just sent me a laugh and said " im doing this because your a slut. Ive never even been yours to walk away from. Like I said you ment less then nothing to me. And the only thing hurting me is the fact that I cant kill you. I want you to keep my words tattooed in your brain for the rest of you life until you decide when you'll kill yourself and join the pathetic excuse of parents down in hell. They raised such a fucked up daughter."

End of flashback

I was sobbing by the end of the flashback. I just feel physically hurt by this I dont want to feel anything. This isnt fair. I dont wanna have to deal with this anymore. I shouldnt have to. He was right I am worthless I mean nothing to anybody. My mate clearly doesnt want anything from my other then sex. I feel pain everywhere I just have to finish this. Maybe it is time to join the darkness and my parents.

I walk out of my room and to the bathroom. When I reach the bathroom a smile appears on my face. Because this Is finally going to be the end of it. I dont have to feel this way anymore. I unnecessary sob comes out of my mouth again. I open the drawer and get my rasor. I roll up my sleeves and look at the scars. The slightly fresh scars and fully healed scars. I take the rasor with one hand and slice one beautiful line on the canvas on my arm. To me this is art my rasor is the brush the blood is the paint, and my body is my canvas.

I slice and slice with agression because I would love nothing more then to disappear into oblivion. And I keep hearing thoose words as I begin to fade and fall the the ground. Landing on my back and arms my my side.

You're worthless

You should just kill yourself already

Cant you take the hint. Your parents killed themselves because they didnt want to be around you.

Your a slut bag

Your a whore that isn't worth love.

These sentences keep replaying in my head as I begin to bleed out and fall out of consciousness.

Daniels POV

I woke up to a pain in my chest. Its burning. Like my heart is being torn into shreds. Then I realize its the mate bond. Something is going on with river. Someone is hurting her. I run out if bed and to her room her door is unlocked but she is no where to be found then I think. Where could she be? Bathroom? Yes thats it! I move my feet faster towards the bathroom and jiggle the door nob. But its locked . Why is it locked ? I move further away and kick the door open and the sight of my beautiful mate. My dear sweet angel lying on the floor lifeless like shes hollow. I feel broken I rush up to her blood pouring out of her arms I take my shirt off and slice it into 2. I wrap ieach arm with my shirt as I mind link the pack doctor about what happened. I check for a pulse. Its there but its faint. I carry her out. When I realise she was broken on the inside about what hapoened with her parents. Someone needs to fix her from the inside out. And I am the one who will be doing that. I rush out the door towards the pack doctors room and set her down. I promise if she makes it out of here I will fix her. I will make her the happies women alive. I will make her feel loved. And make sure no one gets to her. She is my angel. And no one is going to hurt her as long as im living.

So what do you think? I feel like I did good. But I felt like I was putting to many intimate sceans that I sortof needed to cool off a little. Its good to know you're characters a little and what they have been through. I hate having to do third person pov. I love first person. Because then I can do different peoples feelings, views, and it wouldnt be so monotoned. I wont be posting another update until I hear feed back. IF YOU WOULD LIKE UPDATES EVERY OTHER DAY PLEASE GIVE ME YOUR FEED BACK. EITHER MESSAGE ME OR COMMENT. I WILL RESPECT YOUR WISHES. SO DO YOU GUYS THINK SHE WILL LIVE? OR WILL HE FIND ANOTHER GIRL ONE THAT ISNT BROKEN?

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