chapter 7~ "I wont let anything happen"

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Rivers POV
Literally nothing.

I feel nothing but annoyingness.

Is this how hell feels like?

I mean I know im not exactly a virgin nun but come on what is that beeping. I was expecting satin to like pop up out of no where and pop a hell joke. But nothing but black and beeping.

Ugh this is annoying, I opened my eyes and I woke up to an alarm clock. But it wasnt my alarm clock. It was an annoying beeping sound like my alarm clock...except its not. I tried opening my eyes but I didnt because I heard a couple noises.

"How do you think shes doing todd?" I heard a males voice. Todd is our pack doctor. Why am I at the nurses wing? What happened?

"I honestly dont know. She lost a lot of blood." He said sounding so down.

"How could you not know shes fucking laying there like a dead corps. My sweet little angel looks so lifeless. And I cant do anything about it." He says but his voice raising at the first part. the way he says the second part it breaks my heart.

I decide to finally wake up, trying to light up the mood I finally speak. "Jheeze cant you tell there basically "a dead corps" sitting right here. Your voice is like a hammer to the head. Calm down, and stop yelling. Will someone tell me whats wrong?"

They both look at me like im not a human being. I raise an eye brow. The doctor finally speaks after what feels like 3 hours of staring.

"You were found in the bathroom with your cut...and alpha daniel here brought you here. We lost you 3 times. But got your heart up and running again. Im going to go and run some tests. Its good to see your fine luna."

I give him a look saying "are you crazy" then everything running back to me. Yesterday after waking up and what I remembered about the past. All the shit words that have been said to me.
Your not good enough, your as good as you are dead.

They brought tears to my eyes then I questioned him.

"Why did you save me. I wanted to die. Why didnt you just leave me, just like everyone else did. Its not like anyone would miss me. You all hate me. Im just as good as dead right." But now all the tears that were thretning to fall have fell before I even said 'why'

He engulfed me is a hug, and I just melted in his arms. Its like you were making a puzzle and you were only missing 2 peices left. We were the two pieces that fit perfectly together. He ended the hug that left me in a disappointment phase that quickly faded when he put both of his hands on each side of my face, forcing me to look at his stormy blue eyes.

"Listen here angel, you are perfect. I saved you because you are my mate and I love you. You my missing piece and i dont know what I would do if I lost you. Im not going to lose you and I you. I will make that vow until the day I die. I will protect you from now on until you no longer want me to. I will never, do you hear me never. Ever. Leave. You. And Dont you forget it.

I cried harder then I ever have in my life because all of his words hit me where it hasnt before. My heart. My heart was swelling up and about to explode with a mixture of excitement, happiness, and love. I love the feeling. What ever he is doing is like a drug and I sure am addicted to it. He might be my alpha. But he sure is my mate. I dont know what it was in him that made me trust him. But he had my trust 100 percent. Im never letting him go. Im just scared of what he might do...

Will he hurt me?

Will he do the same thing that he did?

What if he decides he doesnt want me anymore? What then, will he leave me?

What if he cheats on me?

"Are you going to hurt me?" I said with new tears brimming my eyes.

"Never, as long as I am on the face of the earth, darling. You wont ever have to worry about a thing. Your my queen and I am your king, I will not let you worry about a thing in the world."

I didnt have words for him so I just closed the space between us and pressed my lips softly but desperately against his. He just kissed me back softly engulfing my face in his hands. It was a short and sweet kiss but at the same time filled with want and desperation. When we pulled away I murmured

"Thank you. For everything."

And with that the darkness began to devour me.

And for the first time in a long time, I wasnt afraid, scared, or anything. I felt entirely safe. And I could fall in live with that feeling and get used to that.

But this isnt over daniel our game must be finished and I've got some catching up to do.

Daniel: 1
River: 0

So what do you guys think? Its good to know you're characters a little and what they have been through. I wont be posting another update until I hear feed back. IF YOU WOULD LIKE UPDATES EVERY OTHER DAY PLEASE GIVE ME YOUR FEED BACK. EITHER MESSAGE ME OR COMMENT. I WILL RESPECT YOUR WISHES.

and thank you to the people who have been commenting you guys are bomb.

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