Chapter 11 - Just Fine

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"Dear my lovely river,

I am so happy to hear that you and mr. Alpha have hit it off. Im upset that you have escaped from my supervision and i will find a way to get you back to me. No one can protect you. And no one will protect you. I have spent months gathering and building my army, funny how i even have someone on the inside too. I just thought i would let you know that the next time i see you, i wont hesitate to kill you. I will start by cutting off every finger of yours, then i will begin with that body you love so much. I will make sure you suffer through it all. And that weak little wolf of yours wont be able to protect you. I will make sure of it. I also heard that your mate hasn't maked you. Its a shame really but its also the best news ever. It will give me a cleaner slate to mark you myself. I am terribly sorry for the early good bye. But im a very busy man as you can see.

Yours truly, Derek."

By the end of that letter i was already failing at covering up the sob at the back of my thoat. Just when i thought he was really gone. Its all going to come back,more importantly hes going to be coming back. I didnt even realize i was full on crying until the door slamed open. Revealing a very worried looking alpha. He rushed over to me as i began to fall to the ground. Too weak to stand on my own. I began crying into his shoulder.

"Whats wrong baby, please speak to me. What happened." He spoke, worry laced through his words.

"He-hes back daniel. He's back. And this time h-he wont stop u-until im dead. W-why is this ha-appening to me. W-why do the w-worst things happen to the weakest people. Its not fair." I spoke still sobbing into his shoulder.

he craddled me in his arms and cooded out "Its okay babe. he cant hurt you. you're safe with me i promise. no one will dare hurt you. no over my dead body. I will kill him and anyone who gets in my way."

i relaxed in his arms and wiped my tears from my eyes. and showed him a confident smile and told him " I am not afraid anymore. I will stick by you. and not show to anyone that i am weak. even if i am. I'm ready to build a new me. Someone that you will love." and i quickly pecked his lips. "now we have a movie to catch ya? so lets go" i smiled because i felt safe with him. i knew he would never hurt me.

"I love that you want to change yourself into a stronger person and i will be there with you every step of the was to make sure you achieve your goal. but always remember that showing and telling your feelings doesnt make you weak. it makes you stronger baby. I love you. and who you are now. but im sure i will love the person you will become as well."

At this point of my life i realized that I will be just fine.

very short chaper but i apologize. i will update soon i promise. but please vote for ehich chapters you want here by commenting :

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