Chapter 12- Pizza and Wings

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We left shortly after to the movies, to be totally honest my brain was yearning for a movie and expecially 50 shades of grey. I mean who wouldnt love that sexy hunk of junk i mean just his name gets me off "Christian grey" oh jesus. I was half expecting my time at the movies to be shit with all those teens and what not in there. But there was only a couple people like around 10 or so including our friends. But it was actually really nice we bought candy and popcorn and pizza from the inside of the theater and let me tell you that crap is expensive as hell we ended up paying $400 for all of us in just food. And dont even ask me how daniel could pay for it i mean it was expected that he was rich looking at the house he lives in or the cars he owns but still i mean he doesnt even work so...?

Me and daniel say separately at the back of the theater and cuddled while eating pizza, candy, pop and popcorn it was really relaxing and got me to forget about the "issues" in the were world were living in. It was like a time to our selfs. But as i was watching the elevator scene with christian grey and that girl oh god how i wish that was me. Daniel decided to invade my thoughts and ask me something

"Hey riv?"

I mumbled back a response "mhmm?"

"I want to help you."

My eyebrows quirked in confusion "what do you mean. You are helping me, your actually the only person here that can keep me sane"

He chuckled in response and his expression went back to serious said "no i mean i want to help you get better. Physically and emotionally that is. The only reason he did what he did to you was because he saw you as weak. And i dont ever want to see you weak because it makes me weak aswell. Besides the point i want you to conquer all your fears and not be afraid of anything. Do you get what im saying."

I looked down to my lap and nodded shamefully "I want to get better believe me. But depression and PTSD isnt as easy as you think. Therapists everwhere that i was assigned did nothing to help me and it makes me feel horrible about myself because what if im really just beyond repair,i mean everyone else tried and nothing worked. So i dont know what to do anymore. Ive lost everything and everyone i cared about. Ya you might not leave me now but eventually you will and when you do i dont know if I'll be able to take the pain away and it just breaks my heart because everyone ive ended up depending on slipped away from me. I mean take a look at derek the man is a phsycopathic for christ sake" i laughed bitterly tears still in my eyes.

He lifted my chin up and made me look him in the eyes " dont you even think about that. Me leaving you thats a joke babe. Thats never going to happen. Believe me when i tell you this once i mark you your stuck with me until the day i die because i dont give up on the things i love. Yes the therapists tried everything they can think of but they havent tried one last thing. Do you know what that is?"

I smiled slightly and shook my head "no what?"

He smiled slightly and said "love. I know it sounds stupid but with love we can conquer all. And together we will be ther strongest. I will know you like the back of my hand and you would know me as the same. No once shall get between us, love. And i am willing to wait it out with you. Whether its a week from now, or a month from now or even a year from now. Hell it could be 20 years from now and you would still see me where we are now. By your side. And that wont ever change, because a boken soul doesnt mean it cannot be fixed. It called broken for a reason. It can and shall be fixed. Because without love we would be nothing. Monster none the less."

I smiled. Like really smiled because without him i dont want to know where i would be. And i knew he could fix me so i said "Okay." I hugged him around the waist and lent my head on his broad shoulders.

~1 hour later~
We were coming out of the movie screening room and we were met by a large crowd of people going into their movies and to be honest that candy chips and popcorn did nothing to this growling stomach of mine. Positive that daniel can hear it he chuckles and laughs "you dtill hungry? What do you say we grab some food when we get out of here your choice."

"Yes" i said with a grin. A boy about the age of 7 came to us pulling on daniels shirt to get out attention snapped me out of my hunger daze. I bent down to the little boys level and said "hey there handsome whats your name."

He began giggling and leaned over into my ear to whisper something.

Daniels p.o.v

I watched as she began talking to the little boy and as her smile began to fade. And her eyebrows began to quirk in confusion. She looked deep in thought when the boy suddenly gave her a letter neatly folded with a red ribbon tied up ontop of it.

She took it from the little boy and said "thank you sweetcheeks, go on now run along" she said with a smile. And with that the boy giggled and ran to his mom.

I loved the sight of seeing her with kids. It was a good thing really. I was really happy she loved kids because i want pups. And lots of them. I looked back at my beautiful mate and she whispered "thats not possible."

I was beginning to get worried and i needed to know what was in that letter so i asked "he dear, what did the little boy say?"

She showed me the note and said " the little boy said that this note was given to me from my mother. Which is not possible because my mother is dead."

Oh you have got to be kidding me!

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion and i went deep into thought. I mind liked a couple pack members to dind out what they know about her mother and fathers death. I also got 2 gaurds to follow us just in case of anything.

"Hey riv. Dont worry about this note right now we can read it when we get home, but for now how about we get out of her and lets grab some pizza and wings how about that?"

She suddenly smiled brightly and said "yes yes yes hoe did you know thats my favorite food?" She said excitedly.

I chuckled and said "well my beautiful mate because its my favorite food as well." I said in a matter of factly tone.

She grabbed my arm and dragged me outside ditching our friends, and going to the car.

But i honestly like that spark in her eyes everytime she would talk about the things she loves.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2015 ⏰

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