Welcome to Lucella mall

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Mousy cocked her head. The mall sign read:

"Lucella mall, now with security and assistance robots!"

She wheeled her chair inside with her sisters following behind. Before she could say anything, a grey hand was whipped out in front of her. She stared at it for a couple seconds, before realising that the hand was being held out to shake. She took the hand.

"It's nice to meet you. My name is Rosa," a voice said. Mousy realised it belonged to the hand. She looked up, to see a grey face. Rosa was tall, had good posture, and wore a tuxedo. The tuxedo collar was bright red. Her eyes were black with white pupils, and they seemed to always be shrinking and widening slowly, as if she was adjusting her vision. Her voice was calm and hypnotic, and had a somewhat metal sounding that made her voice sound unnatural. Rosa continued,

"I am the eldest robot here at the mall. I have been told by Tyler that you are a common visitor here at Lucella mall. Your name is Mandy, right?"

Tyler was the head inventor and the owner of the mall's son. He looked almost exactly like his dad, with his sandy coloured fur and long ears and tail, but his eyes were brown like his mothers, instead of blue, and he was twice as tall as his father.

"Yes, my name is Mandy, but you can call me Mousy."

Rosa processed this information.

"Got it, Mousy. These must be your siblings?"

For almost half an hour, Mousy introduced her family. By the time she was done, the shops began to close.

Mousy soared through the now almost empty halls of the Mall. Her dad was good friends with Tyler's dad, Mr Vernadoz, who owned the mall. He was almost like a second father to her, and he allowed her to stay whenever she wanted to in the mall. Mousy let her mind wander. She was used to racing through the mall on her wheelchair, she could do it with her eyes closed. As long as no one got in the way. Which wasn't the case today.

"Oof!" Mousy heard someone call out as she hit their ankle with her foot rest.

"Sorry, Tyler," Mousy called in a sing-song voice.

Tyler had a talent of being at places at the worst time. She came to the mall 3 times a week, and in that time, she normally managed to hit Tyler somewhere somehow at least 6 times. Mousy grabbed his hand and tried to pull him up. Which, as per usual, didn't work. Normally, neither of them could get Tyler to lift up until he managed to crawl to a wall and climb up there, as his ankles were weak. He could get up when Mousy hit him originally, but overtime, his legs got weaker. Tyler was about to start his crawl to the wall when a voice said,

"I'll help."

The voice belonged to Rosa. except as a boy. He was shorter than Rosa, and he was a slightly darker shade of grey. Instead of having a skirt under his tuxedo, he had long pants. His hair slightly hung over one eye, and both were like Rosas, black and white, constantly taking in their surroundings.

The boy crouched down and picked up Tyler from the armpits. He yanked him up and balanced him on the edge of Mousy's wheelchair. Mousy was about to applaud the boy on managing to lift up Tyler, when a voice behind her startled her.

"Tyler! What happened?"

"Nothing, Rosa. I just tripped on my tail again." Tyler winked at Mousy. Mousy winked back. Neither Tyler or Mousy liked confrontation, and they knew they would both be in trouble if the adults found out that for years, Mousy had been running into Tyler and knocking him over, Mousy could hear the adults voices in her head.

"Tyler, you shouldn't have been in Mandy's way!"

"Are you okay, son? You could have been seriously hurt!"

"How many other things are you hiding from us?"

"You are grounded!"

"You have been doing this for years!?"

Rosa raised an eyebrow.


"Yes, again."

"Alright, whatever you say. Mousy, Mr Vernadoz wanted me to ask you if you and your siblings wanted to stay for dinner."

"Of course! If it's okay with my mum."

"She already said yes. You three will be inside by 8, okay?"

"Okay!" all three answered.

After Rosa had left, the boy turned to Tyler.

"I knew it! I knew you hadn't been tripping over your tail! There's only so many times someone can do that before you come up with a solution to that problem." The boy exclaimed.

"In my defense, I have never tripped on my tail, it has always been Mousy running into me, so it is possible to make that mistake that many times."  Tyler joked.

"I'm not sure if that is better or worse," the boy retorted. Then he turned to Mousy.

"So you must be Mousy. Tyler has told me a lot about you-" the boy started.

"Tyler?" Mousy interrupted, swiveling around in her chair., "You speak behind my back about me?!"

Mousy turned back to the boy, with a fierce look in her eyes, "what did he say about me?"

The boy made kissing sounds. Mousy spun around and rammed her footrests right into a surprised Tylers shins.

"Relax! I was joking. He's gay. He only ever said things like, "Mousy and I found a lost kid," or, "Maria and Mousy got in a fight and I watched", when people asked him how his day was.

"Oh." Mousy said. She looked back at Tyler, who was lying on the floor. Then she faced the boy again.

"Can you help me pick him up?"

The robots of Lucella mall (FINISHED STORY)Where stories live. Discover now