5 years later

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Mousy woke up, 11:04 am, 1st of January, 2035. She pushed herself out of bed, crawled to her cupboard, yanked off her pajamas, shoved on a dark red dress and tied a bow in her hair. She put on some black boots with even darker fur trimming. Fake, of course. She jumped in her wheelchair and swiveled out the door, hitting 2 of her sisters as she flew outside, and straight to Lucella mall.

"Hello, Mousy! How are y-" Roberta started, before being rammed into by Mousy.

"Sorry, Roberta!" Mousy said, as she helped her up. A year after Robby and Rosa had been allowed in the mall, Roberta and her twin, Robert, had come to help. Roberta was unreasonably kind, and since her brother was really shy, she often took care of him, and worked for both him and her. Her hair was long, and she had a fringe. Her dress stuck out of her tuxedo. She was the second darkest out of all robots, and Robert was the darkest, and he had the same pants as Robby, and a fringe like Roberta, but his hair was tied back in a loose man bun.

"Happy birthday!" Mousy cheered. None of the robots knew their birthday so they all said that their birthdays were on January 1st, and that's how they knew how old they were.

"Thanks! But you should congratulate Rosa. She is 18 now! And the new robot is 13."

Mousy nodded, and raced through the halls, dodging customers like obstacles in a car race. Someone grabbed the back of her chair and swiveled her around in circles until she was dizzy. She could see the blur of Robby's smirk as she turned, before he kicked the back of her chair and sent her flying in the opposite direction.

"TO RODNEY YOU GO!" she heard him scream. She laughed. She didn't know who Rodney was, but after a while, she decided that he was the new robot.

After narrowly missing a couple corners of the mall, she found herself stopped by Tyler's leg. Before he fell to the ground from the impact of her momentum. A short robot helped him up. He was a paler grey than the rest of the robots, and had short dark grey hair that fluffed up.

"Mousy," Tyler said, after standing up, "meet Rodney, the youngest and newest member of the security and assistance team."

Rodney waved to her. "Hey," he said calmly. Mousy waved back, then took Tyler's hand and led him away.

"So, he is the last one?" Mousy asked him, once in a quiet hall.

"Yes," he answered.

"That's... wow. It's crazy to think it has been 5 years since robots started helping people in the mall." Mousy started to remember the fateful day where she met Rosa and Robby.

"Attention, all robots! Please go to the mall entrance gate immediately." Mousy and Tyler heard Mr Vernadoz call through the speaker.

They watched as Rodney walked off.

"I'm going to go too. I want to know what's so serious that dad had to stop the robots from working." Tyler announced.

"Then I will go too." Mousy said.

"I don't think you should, it might be staff only business." Tyler shook his head.

"I am staff!"

"No, you are not. You just come here 3 days a week after school and buy nothing. What do you even do here?"

"I do buy stuff! But I don't need too much stuff. I have bought pretty much everything I would need."

"Ok, ok. Just stay here."

"No! If you leave me, I'll tell the professor that you tipped my wheelchair over."

"But I didn't!"

"But, I'm a great fake crier."

"Fine!" Tyler gave in, as per usual, "but if you are caught, leave me out of this!"

"Ok, sir!" Mousy saluted.

The robots of Lucella mall (FINISHED STORY)Where stories live. Discover now