The boiler room

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In the basement, Mousy had found no animal hair, no droppings, no food scraps, and hadn't smelt anything different. It was like whatever "they" were, had never been in here. She decided to check the room she had bumped into.

The basement was dark, eerie and mysterious. This room- the boiler room- was darker, eerier, and 10x more mysterious. The boiler made strange sounds, even though it was old and wasn't used anymore. The corners of the room were dark. Mousy thought about shining the flashlight at the corners, but just as she thought about it, something lept at her.

It had no smell, no fur, no facial features, except for a pair of blazing eyes the colour of embers, and it had no real structure. It looked like a creature of darkness, and resembled no type of animal. It growled. Well, growled isn't a good description of how it sounded. Imagine a large dog growling, an angry cat yowling, an aggressive snake hissing, a dinosaur roaring, a human screaming and a bear moaning. Thats what it sounded like. It swiped a large and sharp claw at Mousy. Mousy covered her face and prepared for impact. Before anything could hit Mousy, a tall and fast thing ran in front of her. A smaller thing ran too. The tall one fought the beast, whilst the shorter one ran to Mousy and picked her up. Mousy fainted.

When Mousy woke up, Maria was staring at her.

"Why, Mandy?" Maria asked. She sounded quiet. Not mad, just disappointed.

"I was curious."

Robby, who was sitting on the other side of the room, was holding his arm. It had the weird black substance the creature was made of on it. It also had a gigantic scratch on it. On his hand was a mixture of bright blue liquid and dark brown liquid, which she recognised as oil.

"Maria saw you leave the house and followed you, she told me, and we followed you. You are lucky we made it on time." Robby said, coldly.

"I'm sorry. You wouldn't tell me what was wrong, and I really wanted to know, so I"-

"You broke into the mall, also breaking laws as you did so, did the most idiotic thing imaginable for someone who knew something bad had happened, and almost it seriously injured." Robby interrupted.

Mousy remembered what had happened in the boiler room. She could now depict Maria and Robbys hurried silhouettes, and the bravery on their faces, as Maria picked her up, and Robby fought with the creature.

"Are you ok, Robby?" Mousy asked, nodding her head at his arm.

"This could be much worse, its just a scratch." Robby looked down. "I also managed to harm the beast, thats what the blue stuff is. Blood."

"We won't say anything about this, as long as you don't do it again." Maria concluded. Mousy promised not to do it again, and the twins went home.

The robots of Lucella mall (FINISHED STORY)Where stories live. Discover now