The two tamers

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The elevator beeped. Mousy crawled in, and hit "ground floor" on the wall. She got to the bottom in a couple of seconds, but the elevator was old. It creaked and beeped. The robots were faster than her, and they were sure to notice. Mousy got out of the lift, and crawled her way to the staff only room, as fast as she could. Before Mousy could open the door, someone opened it for her.

"Thank you." Mousy said, absent mindedly.

"No problem." Robby called back to her.

Mousy, who had been passing Robby, turned in shock.

Mousy tried to crawl away, like a mouse being chased by a cat, but Robby picked her up, and carried her to his room under his arm, like a package.

"How long are you gonna try to brake into the mall for?"

"For as long as it takes for me to tame the shadow putty."

"Why do you want to tame the putty so bad?"

"Once I tame it, everyone will forgive me."


"Tyler and Emma already forgive you. Livvy and Romania are in their way."

"And you?"

"The more you put yourself in danger, the more I don't forgive you. You are doing nothing to speed up the forgiving process, and whilst you do that, you are hindering our friendship."

"Look, I'm sorry. Maybe... this isn't just for the forgiveness. I think it has something to do with proving myself. All my life, people have put me down because of my height, or my disability, or that I can never do things right. You have seen how Romania treats me."

"Well, in that case..." Robby stood up. "Taming the shadow creature won't be easy. Its dangerous. I suggest you wear safety gear."

"Wait, you are actually letting me do this?"

"Of course not! Not alone, you won't stand a chance. I am coming with you."

After the pair put on their safety gear on, they went inside the room with the glass chamber.

"Why doesn't it just break the glass?"

"Its thick. And it also has some rubber in it, for extra strength."

"So... how do we do this? I never thought more than, get inside, tame the putty."

"Its like taming a bug. Teach it to sit, stay, roll over, maybe we could teach it other things, more fancy, since it is putty, we could teach it to shape shift and stuff, but for now, lets keep it basic."

The robots of Lucella mall (FINISHED STORY)Where stories live. Discover now